EU Advanced Digital Skills Leading Europe's Advanced Digital Skills Wed, 13 Mar 2024 11:04:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 EU Advanced Digital Skills 32 32 Recording available: Thematic Webinar on Best Practices in Managing Joint Accreditation Wed, 13 Mar 2024 10:58:01 +0000

The LEADS Thematic Webinar series continued its exploration into the dynamic landscape of digital skills with a focus on best practices in managing joint accreditation.
Held on 27 February 2024, this session delved into managing joint accreditation within two of our SPECIALISED projects, ManagiDITH and MeRIT. We were also happy to host representatives of EUMaster4HPC and CASTIEL 2, who shared their valuable insights on the topic. Discussions centred around aligning curriculum modules, navigating national legislations, and embracing cultural diversity in European education.

Key Points:
The discussions provided a comprehensive overview of the intricacies involved in designing professional profiles, skills mapping, module development, and navigating certification frameworks.
The comparison of labels versus certifications sparked thoughtful deliberations on industry needs assessments related to accreditation efforts.

Agenda and Speakers:

  • 11:00
    Welcome and Introductions, Eugenia Kypriotis
  • 11:05
    Greeting, Asja Satler & Oscar Rodriguez Diaz
  • 11:10
    Best Practices in Managing Joint Accreditation by ManagiDiTH, Janet Smithson
  • 11:20
    Best Practices in Managing Joint Accreditation by MeRIT, Simona Ramanauskaitė
  • 11:30
    Best Practices in Managing Joint Accreditation by EUMaster4HPC, Katerine Saleme
  • 11:40
    Best Practices in Managing Joint Accreditation by CASTIEL 2, Alina Melinette
  • 12:00
    End of webinar
LEADs 7th Workshop Recap: Empowering Digital Skills – Access to Workshop Recording Fri, 15 Dec 2023 17:58:26 +0000

Organized by Maggioli Spa

On November 23, 2023, LEADs, in partnership with Maggioli Spa, hosted its 7th Workshop, exploring “VET-Oriented Reskilling in the domain of Advanced Digital Skills leveraging Microcredentials and MOOCs.” The event, conducted online, tackled the critical issue of ensuring the availability of recognized micro-credentials, short-term courses, and online learning options to meet the demands of both industry and learners.

Workshop Highlights:

Centered around VET-oriented reskilling, the workshop explored innovative approaches such as microcredentials and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). These tools were identified as catalysts for swiftly adapting educational programs to the dynamic demand for digital skills. Participants engaged in discussions on the potential of these flexible learning options to empower ICT professionals in acquiring new skills and staying relevant in their industries.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Integration of Microcredentials and MOOCs in the European educational framework and political context.
  • Effective integration of microcredentials and MOOCs into existing curriculum and programs by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and VET providers.
  • Stakeholders’ roles in ensuring the recognition and value of skills acquired through microcredentials and MOOCs in the job market.
  • The role played by microcredentials in supporting labor-market-related and employment-relevant education, training, and learning for ADS skills.
  • Designing microcredentials to align with industry needs and provide learners with practical, job-relevant ADS skills.
  • Incentives for the wider development of courses and microcredentials from both the public and private sectors.

Access Workshop Resources:

For those who missed the event or wish to revisit the insightful discussions, the recording of the workshop and presentation slides from the distinguished speakers are now available.

LEADS at EIT Deep Tech Talent Sat, 25 Nov 2023 15:01:18 +0000

Barcelona, November 23, 2023

In a dynamic showcase of innovation and collaboration, the EIT Deep Tech Talent event held in Barcelona featured a notable presence from LEADS, with Brendan Rowan from BluSpecs and LEADS coordinator playing a key role.

Brendan Rowan highlighted LEADS’ commitment to advancing technology, policy, and skills, emphasizing their role in initiatives like DigiQ Digital Twins for Infrastructures & Cities, Digital MERIT, Digital4Business, CyberSecPro, and the Project ManagiDiTH – Master of Managing Digital Transformation in the Health Sector. Rowan outlined LEADS’ contribution to bridging the digital skills gap and fostering collaborations within the tech community.

The event culminated in the Prize Ceremony, where the winners of the 1st Deep Tech Talent Training Prize were announced. LEADS’ active involvement in deep tech training and commitment to the cause was acknowledged, reinforcing their dedication to shaping the future of digital skills.

Reflecting on the event, Brendan Rowan emphasized the urgent need for a cohesive strategy to address the advanced digital skills gap. He noted, “The advanced digital skills gap will remain as long as we have a fragmented approach to this. We need to invest more and take many types of actions across the board.” Rowan advocated for comprehensive efforts ranging from long-term investments in education to immediate upskilling and reskilling initiatives, stressing the importance of diversifying talent from non-tech backgrounds and breaking down social barriers to inclusion.

The EIT Deep Tech Talent event attracted a diverse audience, including industry leaders, educators, and representatives from partner organizations. The panel discussions, insightful keynotes, and lively exchanges underscored the shared commitment to tackling the challenges posed by the tech skill gap.

LEADS’ participation in the event not only showcased their dedication to fostering digital skills but also highlighted their role as a key player in collaborative efforts to address the complex landscape of advanced digital education and training.

As the event concluded, the organizers expressed gratitude to the partners, speakers, and contributors, emphasizing the crucial role of teamwork in the success of the initiative. The commitment of organizations like LEADS is essential in driving initiatives that will shape the future of technology and bridge the digital skills divide.

For more information, click here.

Recording available: LEADS Challenges in Mapping Demand Webinar Wed, 22 Nov 2023 13:55:22 +0000

The LEADS Thematic Webinars series continued its exploration into the dynamic landscape of digital skills with a focus on mapping demand. Held on November 20, 2023, this insightful session delved into the methodologies and approaches employed by the LEADS project to comprehensively track the demand for advanced digital skills across Europe.

Key Points:
Leading in digital skill assessment, LeADS integrates diverse data sources for a nuanced understanding of evolving needs in the digital workforce.

Introduction (16:00 – 16:10)
Demand Assessment Methodology and Outcomes (16:10 – 16:25)
Q&A (16:25 – 16:40)
Closing (16:40 – 16:45)

Brendan Rowan, BluSpecs
Leonardo Freitas, IDC

Access to Resources:
For those who missed the live session, the recorded webinar and presentation slides from Brendan Rowan and Leonardo Freitas are now available.

We appreciate the valuable contributions of our speakers, making the LEADS Thematic Webinar on Challenges in Mapping Demand an informative session.
Stay tuned for future LEADS webinars as we continue to explore essential aspects of the digital skills landscape in Europe.

LEADS Project Shines at CONNECT University – Unveiling Insights for Europe’s Digital Decade Thu, 16 Nov 2023 11:47:28 +0000

On the 14th of November, the LEADS project took centre stage at CONNECT University’s workshop on “The State of the Digital Decade 2023.” This event, organized by the European Commission’s DG CONNECT, aimed to delve into the recently published annual report on the digital transformation in the European Union. LEADS, as a coordination and support action for advanced digital skills within the Digital Europe program, played a pivotal role during the panel discussion.

The LEADS project, represented by Mr. Brendan Rowan, the Coordinator, featured prominently in the event. The panel discussion, expertly moderated by Ms. Lavinia Bianchi, Communication Officer of the Investments in High-Capacity Networks Unit at DG CONNECT, explored crucial aspects of advanced digital skills. The distinguished panel included experts such as Ms. Solveigh Hieronimus, Senior Partner at McKinsey, Ms. Sophie Woodville, Digital Policy Officer for Bordeaux Metropolitan Area, Mr. Izabel Jelenic, CTO of Infobip, and Mr. Alessandro Gropelli, Deputy Director General of ETNO.

Insights from LEADS:

Brendan Rowan provided key insights into LEADS’ focus on digital skills within the evolving landscape of the digital future. He emphasized the foundational role of basic digital skills for inclusivity in society and highlighted the dynamic nature of advanced digital skills. Rowan discussed the challenges of attracting and retaining top tech talent in Europe, stressing the need for a comprehensive approach to skill development.

Key Findings and Future Trends:

Rowan shared LEADS’ findings on the rapid evolution of advanced digital skills, emphasizing the importance of domain expertise. He pointed out that individuals with domain knowledge can become productive in advanced digital roles faster than those with a purely technical background. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the projected need for 6 to 12 million professionals with advanced skills in areas like IoT, AI, and cyber by 2027.

Challenges and Recommendations:

Rowan acknowledged the challenges in addressing digital skills, citing the urgency of the issue. He called for a shift in focus from infrastructure to skills, urging a more ambitious and integrated approach at both the European and member state levels. The need for a multi-policy approach that spans education, industry, and social aspects was stressed. Rowan emphasized the importance of flexibility and collaboration to adapt to the rapidly changing digital landscape.

In conclusion, the LEADS project’s active participation in CONNECT University’s workshop underscored its commitment to shaping the digital future of Europe. Brendan Rowan’s insights provided a valuable perspective on the challenges and opportunities in advancing digital skills, contributing to the ongoing dialogue on Europe’s Digital Decade. LEADS remains dedicated to catalyzing positive change in the digital skills landscape, aligning with the ambitious goals set for the next decade.

Watch the full recording of the event here.

Recording available: LEADS Challenges in Mapping Supply Webinar Wed, 15 Nov 2023 14:41:12 +0000

The inaugural session of the LEADS Thematic Webinars on November 13, 2023, delved into the intricate landscape of mapping the supply of advanced digital skills training across EU countries.

Key Insights:

The webinar showcased a hybrid methodology that analyzed approximately 1250 higher education and vocational education advanced digital skills courses. This methodology played a pivotal role in conducting a comprehensive gap analysis.


  • Flora Josette Thibaudeau (Trinity Business School)
  • Christopher Karachristos (Maggioli)

Focus of the Webinar:

The core discussion centered around challenges encountered in mapping the supply of advanced digital skills. The hybrid methodology employed provided a unique perspective on the varied educational programs and courses offered across EU countries.

Access to Resources:

The recorded webinar and presentation slides from speakers Flora Josette Thibaudeau and Christopher Karachristos are now available for those who missed the live event.
We appreciate the insightful contributions of our speakers, making the LEADS Thematic Webinar on Challenges in Mapping Supply a valuable experience.
Stay tuned for future LEADS webinars, exploring critical topics in advanced digital skills across the European Union.

Digital Europe Programme’s Groundbreaking Projects Unveiled: A Closer Look at Advanced Digital Skills Initiatives and Future Policy Directions Tue, 14 Nov 2023 12:59:21 +0000

In October 2023 LEADS jointly organised the Digital Europe Programme Projects Meeting together with the European Commission and the European Health and Digital Executive Agency.

The event featured a diverse array of projects funded through the Digital Europe Programme:

Other linked initiatives participating were:

The purpose of this meeting was to reflect on the progress of the ongoing projects funded by the Digital Europe Programme in the field of advanced digital skills, exchanging lessons learned and identifying recommendations. In addition to this, the meeting served as an opportunity to contribute to the work on future policy actions and funding needs, all to reach the overarching goal of 20 million ICT specialists employed by 2030.

Key topics discussed included:

  • The current state of the digital decade and outlook.
  • Meeting the demands of the digital decade: Insights into the market analyses which informed the design of the courses.
  • Current challenges related to bridging the gap between supply and demand in advanced digital skills, their impact on stakeholders and which policy actions can address them:
    • The rate for tech development and convergence
    • Accessing the expertise for skilling
    • Addressing SMEs
    • Finding candidates at the right level
    • The need for domain expertise and sectoral divergence in demands
    • The leaky pipeline of women
  • Strategies and opportunities to enhance the sustainability of actions including accreditation and forging partnerships with the industry.
  • Best practices and collaboration opportunities between the projects.

 An outcome report of this event will be published in the next weeks and will also be available on this website.

    LEADS Thematic Webinars series Mon, 06 Nov 2023 10:58:08 +0000

    LEADS is proud to present a series of six thematic webinars that will be focused on different verticals of interest and bring together representatives from Industry, SMEs, specialised DIHs and universities, and training providers. 

    The sessions will be based on the LEADS methodology and findings and will aim to create opportunities for: 

    • direct dialogues between the ecosystem actors  
    • create awareness about the master programmes beyond the existing community and engaging new players  
    LEADS Workshop Explores Future Talent Challenges in Advanced Digital Skills (ADS) for Organisations

    1st Thematic Webinar – Challenges in mapping supply 

    13 November 2023, 16:00 – 17:00  

     Learn more

      LEADS Workshop Explores Future Talent Challenges in Advanced Digital Skills (ADS) for Organisations

      2nd Thematic Webinar – Challenges in mapping demand 

      20 November 2023, 16:00 – 17:00  

       Learn more

      LEADS Workshop Explores Future Talent Challenges in Advanced Digital Skills (ADS) for Organisations

      LEADS Roundtable Discussion Addresses the GAP between Provision & Demand for Advanced Digital Skills (ADS) in Europe Mon, 31 Jul 2023 10:43:31 +0000

      On July 2023, LEADS, a project funded by the Digital Europe Programme, successfully organised and hosted the Expert Roundtables on the GAP between the provision and demand for Advanced Digital Skills (ADS) in Europe. The event featured three engaging roundtable sessions with prominent experts from diverse technology and educational backgrounds.

      LEADS Workshop Explores Future Talent Challenges in Advanced Digital Skills (ADS) for Organisations

      Empowering Europe’s Digital Future

      In the context of an ever-evolving digital landscape, the Expert Roundtables provided an invaluable platform for robust discussions on various facets of Advanced Digital Skills. Key insights emerged from the event, reshaping perspectives on the future of digital skills in Europe.

      • Adapting to a Changing Technological Landscape:
        With technology becoming increasingly accessible to a wider audience, the event emphasised the need for a more diverse pool of skilled professionals. While specialised experts with full theoretical knowledge remain important, the focus must shift towards equipping a broader range of individuals with adaptable skill sets to meet evolving demands.
      • Projected Surge in Demand for Advanced Digital Skills:
        LEADS’ comprehensive skills mapping efforts, involving an assessment of over 303,000 courses, revealed a significant gap between the current supply of ADS professionals and the projected demand. Experts estimate a need for between 3.5 to 15 million new ADS professionals to meet the high-growth gap that exists between the available workforce (currently 9 million employed) and future demand.
      • Paving the Way for a Continuum of Skills:
        The emergence of “tech virgins”, particularly in Cloud, Edge, and IoT technologies, has created a continuum that spans across all tech areas. This phenomenon is expected to significantly impact the future roles and skill requirements across various sectors.
      • Strategic Approach to Upskilling and Reskilling:
        Companies are adopting a mixed approach to address the demand for ADS professionals. The strategies include upskilling, reskilling, new hires, and partial outsourcing, ensuring a dynamic talent pipeline.
      • Increased Budget for Training and Development:
        A positive trend identified during the event was a projected increase of at least 7% in training and development budgets across European organisations over the next two years. This budgetary expansion underscores the growing importance of investing in Advanced Digital Skills.
      • Emphasizing Domain Knowledge and Technical Skills:
        Experts highlighted the critical role of domain knowledge in enhancing the usefulness and application of technical skills. The integration of domain expertise with technical proficiency was underscored as a key factor in nurturing successful digital professionals.

      LEADS Consortium’s Mission Towards a Skillful Future

      During the event, Nuria De Lama, a representative from the LEADS Consortium, provided an illuminating introduction to the project’s mission of providing recommendations on future skills coverage to policymakers, European industries and education providers. Brendan Rowan, Lead Coordinator of LEADS, presented the project’s innovative approach of mapping ADS skills pockets and crafting market scenarios to address future demand effectively.

      The Expert Roundtables on the GAP between the provision and demand for Advanced Digital Skills in Europe demonstrated LEADS’ unwavering commitment to shaping a skilled, agile, and future-ready workforce to lead Europe’s digital transformation.

      The three roundtable sessions

      The first roundtable session delved into quantifying the demand for various ADS and analysing the current skills offerings. The discussion centred around validating the gap across different technology areas, exploring challenges, technology convergence, and the impact of digital transformation on various sectors. The contributing experts included:

      • Prof. Edward Curry, Director of the Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics at the University of Galway.
      • Daniel Iglesias Gonsálvez, Lead data scientist Tourism of Tomorrow Lab (NECSTouR).
      • Jesús Contreras, Node Director of EIT Digital Spain.
      • Daniel Sáez, Technology Transfer Director at ITI (Instituto Tecnológico de Informática), President GAIA-X Spain.

      The second roundtable focused on finding the right balance between Higher Education (HE) and Vocational Education and Training (VET) to ensure an adequate supply of ADS professionals. Experts discussed which skills are best suited for HE and which align better with VET. The panel consisted of:

      • Lewis Purser, Director of Teaching & Learning and Academic Affairs, Irish Universities Association.
      • Breda O’Toole, Head of Talent Transformation & Innovation at IDA Ireland.
      • Dimitris Panopoulos, Head of the Labour Market Analysis Unit, Greece.

      The third roundtable tackled the strategic aspect of investing smartly in ADS. Participants explored scalable activities, identified potential barriers, and discussed rules that could hinder Europe’s ability to design appropriate skills pathways. The contributing experts were:

      • Angel Herranz, CTO Coowry.
      • Eduardo Vendrel, Former president of the European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education Technical University of Valencia.
      • Ane Iturzaeta, Cloud Solution Architect (Data&AI), Microsoft.

        For those who missed the event, recordings will be made available soon through LEADS’ social media channels and website, ensuring broader access to the discussions and interactions.

          LEADS and Women4Cyber Organise Workshop to Address Cybersecurity Skills Demand Mon, 10 Jul 2023 11:07:09 +0000

          In collaboration with Women4Cyber, LEADS organised a workshop to understand and address the growing demand for cybersecurity skills in Europe. The event brought together experts and professionals from various organisations to discuss and analyse the current state of the market and the future scenarios related to cybersecurity skills.

          LEADS Workshop Explores Future Talent Challenges in Advanced Digital Skills (ADS) for Organisations

          Nuria De Lama, LEADS representative, expressed gratitude to the participants for their valuable contributions to the workshop. She emphasised the importance of LEADS’ project and its goal to forecast the demand for cybersecurity skills in the upcoming years.

          Brendan Rowan, Lead Project Coordinator of LEADS, focused on key factors influencing the demand for cybersecurity skills. He highlighted the need for both technical expertise and complementary skills, emphasising the importance of domain expertise in conjunction with technical skills. Rowan discussed LEADS’ approach to mapping the demand for skills based on emerging technologies such as cybersecurity, cloud computing, IoT, AI, data, and quantum.

          The workshop delved into various challenges and opportunities in the cybersecurity field. It was revealed that attracting the right talent remains a significant obstacle, but contrary to expectations, salary competition is not the main hindrance. Instead, work experience and relevant professional qualifications were identified as key concerns.

          The participants also discussed the increasing demand for reskilling and upskilling the existing workforce, especially within cybersecurity. Companies are looking internally to develop the necessary skills and address the shortage of qualified professionals. The workshop emphasised the importance of fostering a diverse and gender-balanced workforce within STEM areas.

          LEADS Workshop Explores Future Talent Challenges in Advanced Digital Skills (ADS) for Organisations

          The workshop focused on three main factors: macroeconomic, socio-political, and technological. These factors were analysed to understand their impact on technology adoption and the demand for cybersecurity skills. Participants worked in breakout rooms, examining use cases, skill details, and hypotheses related to specific factors.

          Overall, the LEADS and Women 4 Cyber workshop provided a platform for experts to share their knowledge and opinions on the demand for cybersecurity skills in Europe. The insights gathered during the event will contribute to the LEADS project’s effort to forecast future skills needs accurately and bridge the gap between supply and demand in the cybersecurity field.
