Aurora Energy Research Critical Energy Market Analysis Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:46:30 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Aurora Energy Research 32 32 Energy Security Minister to speak at the Aurora Spring Forum in Oxford Mon, 18 Mar 2024 09:00:26 +0000 Graham Stuart, Minister of State...

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  • Graham Stuart, Minister of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, has been announced as a distinguished keynote speaker at the Aurora Spring Forum, scheduled to take place on Tuesday 26 March 2024 at the Examination Schools, University of Oxford.
  • This year’s title, “Navigating Rising Geopolitical Instability: Enabling the Next Wave of Decarbonisation,” reflects the urgent need to address geopolitical challenges in achieving sustainable energy goals.
  • With an anticipated attendance of over 400 participants, the Aurora Spring Forum will gather leading figures from the energy sector, including major utilities, policymakers, investors, and other influential stakeholders.


OXFORD (AURORA ENERGY RESEARCH)—Aurora Energy Research, the global provider of critical energy market analytics, is delighted to announce that Graham Stuart, Minister of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, will be a keynote speaker at this year’s Aurora Spring Forum.

Joining Minister Stuart on the distinguished roster of keynote speakers are John Pettigrew, CEO of National Grid; Francesco Starace, Former CEO at Enel and Partner at EQT Infrastructure; and John Feddersen, Founder and CEO of Aurora Energy Research.

The highly anticipated 10th Aurora Spring Forum is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 26 March 2024 at the Examination Schools, University of Oxford. Titled “Navigating Rising Geopolitical Instability: Enabling the Next Wave of Decarbonisation,” the Forum will provide a comprehensive assessment of the current geopolitical landscape and its future implications.

Throughout the day, attendees can expect insightful discussions on various topics, including transatlantic energy security, the structure of a decarbonised power sector, Europe’s grid challenges in achieving Net Zero and advancements in hydrogen projects. Panel discussions will also delve deep into the latest advancements in battery storage, analysis on opportunities and risks in offshore wind, and discussion of the next steps for the energy transition in Great Britain and Europe towards 2030.

With over 400 attendees expected, the Aurora Spring Forum will serve as a gathering ground for leading utilities, policymakers, investors, and other key stakeholders in the energy sector, fostering engaging discussions and valuable networking opportunities.

The event is supported by National Grid (Exclusive Partner), CIBC and ScottishPower (Premium Partners), Barclays, Clarke Energy, HH2E, Kraken, MUFG, Osborne Clarke, RWE, and Schroders Greencoat (Partners).


– ENDS –

Zina Fragkiadaki, Press Officer


From its Oxford academic roots, Aurora Energy Research has grown to become the largest dedicated power market analytics company in Europe, providing data-driven intelligence for strategic decisions in the global energy transformation. We are a diverse team of more than 550 experts with vast energy, financial and consulting backgrounds, covering power, hydrogen, carbon, and fossil commodities. We are active in Europe, Australia, Asia, Latin America, and the US, working with world-leading organizations to provide comprehensive market intelligence, bespoke analytic and advisory services, and cutting-edge software.

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Winter Storms and Summer Sun: Weather-Driven Variations in Market Outcomes and Asset Economics in PJM Thu, 14 Mar 2024 12:10:53 +0000 In this session, we will...

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In this session, we will cover the following topics:

  • How does weather drive power market outcomes? How impactful are winter gas price spikes on power prices?
  • What year-on-year variation in revenue can various asset types—renewables, batteries, baseload thermal, peakers—expect due to weather? How does this impact risk profiles?
  • What risks do generators run in terms of capacity performance penalties, and how can they mitigate them?

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Winter Storms and Summer Sun: Weather-Driven Variations in Market Outcomes and Asset Economics in PJM Thu, 14 Mar 2024 12:10:46 +0000 In this session, we will...

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In this session, we will cover the following topics:

  • How does weather drive power market outcomes? How impactful are winter gas price spikes on power prices?
  • What year-on-year variation in revenue can various asset types—renewables, batteries, baseload thermal, peakers—expect due to weather? How does this impact risk profiles?
  • What risks do generators run in terms of capacity performance penalties, and how can they mitigate them?

If you are interested in our subscription services and subscriber-exclusive sessions and content, please get in touch with Jay DeCunzo.

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Winter Storms and Summer Sun: Weather-Driven Variations in Market Outcomes and Asset Economics in PJM Thu, 14 Mar 2024 11:56:25 +0000 In this session, we will...

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In this session, we will cover the following topics:

  • How does weather drive power market outcomes? How impactful are winter gas price spikes on power prices?
  • What year-on-year variation in revenue can various asset types—renewables, batteries, baseload thermal, peakers—expect due to weather? How does this impact risk profiles?
  • What risks do generators run in terms of capacity performance penalties, and how can they mitigate them?

If you are interested in our subscription services and subscriber-exclusive sessions and content, please get in touch with Jay DeCunzo.

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Comment: In the Balance: Introduction to the Balancing Mechanism Wed, 13 Mar 2024 16:13:12 +0000 Learn more about our Flex...

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By Victor Yip, Senior Research Analyst for GB Flex

Setting the scene

Balancing supply and demand in a power system is difficult and vital work. Unlike conventional commodities, power is difficult to store in large volumes for any period of time. For instance, grain or coal can be stored in warehouses at relatively low cost, but electricity cannot be kept in a box. System considerations, particularly around maintaining grid frequency to avoid damaging equipment, or even—in extreme cases—blackouts, drive the need for real-time matching of supply and demand. The physical realities of electricity require systems and operators capable of balancing supply and demand, in real time, 365 days per year, to a tolerance of less than a percentage point. 

While this suggests that being able to store more energy would ease the job of grid operators, having significant energy storage capacity has not made this task easy. Nowhere is the seen more so than in Great Britain, which serves as the canary in a coal mine for nascent problems of decarbonising power systems, in no small part because it is one of the most developed power markets in the world. 

The Balancing Mechanism (BM) is the tool used in Great Britain to ensure the power system is ‘balanced’. This blog post, the first in a series from Aurora Energy Research, will describe the Balancing Mechanism’s fundamental purpose, its current role, and its direction of travel. 

What is the Balancing Mechanism?

The Electricity System Operator (ESO) is responsible for ensuring the stable operation of the electricity system in Great Britain. The BM is the mechanism through which the ESO procures the right amount of electricity to match supply and demand in real time. Beyond balancing, the ESO is responsible for market design, managing the network, and catalysing the energy transition. It does not participate directly in the market for energy; it only enables its operation in a cost-effective manner.  

Prior to considerations around real-time balancing, the vast majority of electricity is traded in wholesale markets at timescales ranging from hours to years ahead of delivery. The main parties in wholesale markets are “offtakers”, such as Octopus or EDF who buy electricity from generators and sell to consumers, and generators, such as wind farms who sell to offtakers. These commitments to buy and sell are communicated through physical notifications to the ESO, and through these stated intentions, supply and demand are theoretically matched ahead of delivery—but nothing is ever so simple in real time. 

Expectations of generation and consumption are, necessarily, imperfect. Demand is fundamentally determined by human behaviour. As such, when and how demand behaviours change is hard to predict well—and generation is governed by the laws of physics and realities of engineering, which are only slightly less capricious. A person’s decision to boil a kettle will require a tandem action to increase generation from a power plant elsewhere in the country. A sudden gust of wind might increase generation from a wind turbine unexpectedly. A gas plant might break down, or a ship could drag its anchor through an undersea cable. It is these resulting imperfect balances that the ESO or, more specifically, the Electricity National Control Centre (ENCC), aims to reconcile, and the BM is the mechanism through which this is done. 

How does the Balancing Mechanism work?

BM participants, principally generators, submit bids and offers to reduce or increase generation, respectively. If their bids and/or offers are accepted, parties are remunerated on a pay-as-bid basis. Based on their own view of demand and the system as a whole, the ESO chooses which bids and offers to accept to balance the grid. The control room receives information on real-time fluctuations in supply and demand, and these are similarly managed in real-time using the bids and offers available. 

When parties are out of balance with their stated intention, the imbalance price is levied per MWh of energy that is out of balance with their physical notifications. This price is determined as the most expensive action that the ESO took to balance the system after netting off the most expensive bids and offers. The intention here is to send appropriate price signals to out-of-balance parties that are reflective of actual energy balancing costs, ultimately encouraging parties to operate in support of security of supply. 

The selection of bids and offers in the BM is obviously critical to the market outcomes and is the subject of much debate, despite being just a part of the myriad of ways in which the BM must change in response to a transitioning power system. In theory, the optimal way of selecting units is by building up a merit order, ranking the possible actions from lowest- to highest-priced, and then accepting the sequence of actions that balances the grid at the lowest cost. 

The Balancing Mechanism in transition 

The process of bid and offer selection for the last few decades, since the BM’s inception in 2001, has been driven by manual decisions. This worked well enough within the previous paradigm of the power generation mix, which was predominantly centralised between a few large thermal generators. Thermal plants operating as baseload provided significant inertia which increased the resilience of the wider system to changes in frequency. Centralised generation trivialised voltage considerations as power flows were predominantly unidirectional, moving from supply to demand only. Finally, having fewer, larger plants reduced the decision space for system operators, enabling a manual approach to unit selection to suffice. 

However, realities of a decarbonising electricity system are disrupting these conditions, namely through increasingly decentralised power generation, smaller units, and falling inertia. As a result, the system operator in GB increasingly needs to take and pay for actions for technical reasons rather than economic ones. 

The next blog post in this series will look at what happens when Balancing Mechanism Units are not selected in their apparent merit order, why this happens in more detail, and how it impacts battery business cases. 

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Long Duration Electricity Storage Consultation Response Wed, 13 Mar 2024 10:50:22 +0000 The post Long Duration Electricity Storage Consultation Response appeared first on Aurora Energy Research.


On 9 January 2024, the UK’s Department for Energy Security and Net Zero launched a consultation on “Long duration electricity storage consultation, Designing a policy framework to enable investment in long duration electricity storage.”.

Aurora Energy Research replied to selected questions from this consultation, building on prior extensive research on the benefits of Long-Duration Energy Storage. This includes our public report, “Long Duration Energy Storage in GB” and an address to the House of Lords on the appropriate next steps for the sector.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Caroline Still, Tom Smout or Marc Hedin.

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Aurora’s Chronos poised to revolutionise battery valuations in Italy Tue, 12 Mar 2024 09:32:07 +0000 Aurora Energy Research has unveiled...

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  • Aurora Energy Research has unveiled Chronos, its bankable battery valuation software, in Italy.
  • Following Chronos’ successful deployment in Great Britain, this is the software’s second international release.
  • Anticipating further growth, Aurora Energy Research plans to introduce Chronos to Australia and Iberia in the near future.

    ROME (AURORA ENERGY RESEARCH)—Aurora Energy Research is excited to announce the official launch of Chronos, its bankable battery valuation software, in Italy. Following its successful debut in Great Britain just three months ago, Chronos is now poised to revolutionise battery valuations in Italy, with plans to expand to Australia and Iberia in the near future.

    With the escalating demand for clean energy and efficient storage solutions, Chronos emerges as a game-changer in power markets worldwide. This innovative software empowers investors, developers, and utilities with advanced tools and insights to navigate the complexities of energy storage strategies and make informed decisions with ease.

    Developers seeking optimal locations, sizings, trading strategies, and co-location feasibility for battery storage assets can now access comprehensive support in record time. Traditionally, such support required weeks of bespoke analysis, yielding only a singular result for one asset configuration.

    Chronos fast tracks this process with a bankable software solution, putting control into the hands of its users, who can now run hundreds of valuations, saving both time and resources. Reliance-ready results mean that clients are able use them for due diligence, transactions, and debt financing straight out of the box.

    Matteo Coriglioni, Head of Italy at Aurora Energy Research, commented:

    “Italy is among the most active markets in Europe at the moment for battery storage developers, and we are also seeing a rapidly growing secondary market for portfolio transactions. Given the several business models for batteries available and the many complex choices to make in order to optimise the value of the assets, we see the release of Chronos in Italy as a key part of Aurora’s goal to help empower smarter decision-making in the face of increasing uncertainties.”

    Aurora Energy Research remains committed to driving innovation and sustainability in the energy sector, with Chronos serving as a catalyst for transformation in Italy and beyond.

    – ENDS –

    Zina Fragkiadaki, Press Officer


    From its Oxford academic roots, Aurora Energy Research has grown to become the largest dedicated power market analytics company in Europe, providing data-driven intelligence for strategic decisions in the global energy transformation. We are a diverse team of more than 550 experts with vast energy, financial and consulting backgrounds, covering power, hydrogen, carbon, and fossil commodities. We are active in Europe, Australia, Asia, Latin America, and the US, working with world-leading organizations to provide comprehensive market intelligence, bespoke analytic and advisory services, and cutting-edge software.

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    Grid Overload: The Impact of the Electricity Grid on the Dutch Energy Transition Thu, 07 Mar 2024 12:57:56 +0000 The Dutch Energy market has...

    The post Grid Overload: The Impact of the Electricity Grid on the Dutch Energy Transition appeared first on Aurora Energy Research.

    The Dutch Energy market has a clear message: The electricity grid is reaching its limits. With a swift increase in renewable energy projects and electrification initiatives but limited grid expansion, securing grid connections has become challenging. Additionally, grid fees have seen significant hikes, and real-time congestion is on the rise. Since most decarbonisation technologies rely on electricity, reduced access and high grid costs are threatening the national energy transition.

    Acknowledging these challenges, the Dutch Government introduced its Grid Congestion Action Program in December 2022, outlining policy proposals for the medium term. These proposed changes will significantly impact various energy technologies. While some may face increased costs, they also present opportunities for new revenue streams and for forward-thinking participants to capitalise on the changing energy landscape.

    In this report, we will delve into these grid-related themes by tackling the following questions:

    • Where is congestion taking place, and how will grid availability impact solar and wind build-out towards 2030?
    • How are grid fees set, what has been driving their increase, and how will they develop going forward?

    To learn about more about our Origin software that helped the team produce this report, contact Enea Balliu

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    Comment: Running up that Hill—Long Duration Energy Storage in the I-SEM Thu, 07 Mar 2024 12:17:13 +0000 Learn more about our Ireland...

    The post Comment: Running up that Hill—Long Duration Energy Storage in the I-SEM appeared first on Aurora Energy Research.


    By Steph Unsworth, Senior Research Associate for Ireland

    What is long duration energy storage (LDES) and what is its role? 

    Although there is no universally agreed definition of what constitutes LDES, in the 27 October 2023 Call for Evidence, Eirgrid stated a view of LDES as storage with a minimum duration of 8 hours. Aurora’s core assumption is that LDES covers 8 to 96 hours, effectively filling the gap between short duration storage cycling on daily basis and seasonal storage – a gap currently filled by carbon-intensive thermal generation.  

    This duration is particularly useful in a windy market, such as the I-SEM, where almost half the annual demand is met by wind generation. Daily cycling is perfect for solar generation, with storage soaking up excess power in the midday solar peak and discharging during in the evening stress periods where prices are much higher. This is called load shifting and can help storage make a large profit. However, wind is not nearly as predictable, and we can go days without any significant wind output. Let’s look at the beginning of December 2023 as an example.  

    For a couple of days, wind generation in the island of Ireland was practically non-existent, resulting in an increase in thermal generation to ensure demand is met. Then immediately after, the wind was back and on 6 December 2023, wind generation hit an all time high of nearly 4.6GW produced instantaneously. Due to various system limitations, some of this would have been dispatched down. And if we imagine the future with higher wind penetration, we can easily see ourselves running into issues of oversupply. But if LDES were in play, if could meet demand in low wind periods, providing cheap, green power over a couple of days, and recharge using what would otherwise be dispatched down wind generation. 

    Depending on technology, LDES could also provide DS3 system services. Quick response times can allow for participation in frequency reserve services while long durations can allow for participation in ramping margin services, a service almost completely satisfied by thermal today. Some technologies can also provide inertia and reactive power, which can help alleviate some of the island constraints, such as the MinGen requirement. Which, again, helps us reduce our dependence on thermal faster and aid the pathway to net zero. 

    LDES encompasses a variety of technologies which can be broadly split into four buckets: 

    • Mechanical, e.g. pumped hydro storage (PSH), liquid air energy storage (LAES), compressed air energy storage (CAES) 
    • Electrochemical, e.g. Li ion batteries, redox flow batteries 
    • Thermal, e.g. molten salt storage 
    • Power to gas, e.g. hydrogen electrolysis 

    For Aurora’s analysis presented in this session, we focussed on mechanical and electrochemical technologies to store and dispense electrical power.  

    How do the benefits and costs stack up? 

    On the role of long duration storage, it is useful to outline four key needs of decarbonising the grid and how long-duration storage is well positioned to address those needs. They include:  

    • Firm capacity provision, e.g. load shifting to provide power during stress events 
    • Flexible capacity provision, e.g. the ability to ramp up and ramp down very quickly 
    • The alleviation of grid constraints 
    • Grid stability provision to provide energy security 

    Load shifting aims to better match supply and demand patterns, charging in high renewable, low-cost periods and discharging during the high demand and typically high-cost periods. So let’s look at the effects of charging and discharging separately. 

    Charging – renewable generation is high and prices are low. 

    The charging of LDES preferentially increases demand in these periods. This increases prices that renewables capture and increases the volumes of renewables exported to the grid by avoiding curtailment and constraints, improving the economics for renewables across the island. This could result in merchant projects becoming more viable, reducing the need for renewable support schemes. But higher capture prices also reduce the payout required by the Government to renewable generators which are on a support scheme, ultimately reducing the PSO costs borne by the consumer. 

    Discharging – renewable generation is low and prices are high. 

    LDES can discharge to meet any demand shortfall, replacing the thermal generation which would normally ramp up during these periods. By avoiding the generation of expensive, peaking assets, prices are reduced in these periods. And by providing this capacity adequacy, the capacity requirement for security of supply within the Capacity Remuneration Mechanism (CRM) is reduced, decreasing spending in this market and avoiding the deployment of large new-build thermal assets. By replacing peaking assets in balancing too, further costs can be avoided within the Balancing Mechanism. 

    Putting it all together… 

    Aurora’s analysis shows us LDES can help us deploy more renewables by improving its investment case and deploy less thermal generation, massively helping us on our path to net zero. And in the process, it can reduce our electricity bills by reducing spending in the Balancing Mechanism, CRM and the PSO levy. However, LDES itself does not come for free, and will require support, the level of which will have a huge impact on whether our electricity bills go down or not. 

    Now how do we deploy LDES? 

    The consensus in that room in Dublin was that storage of at least 4 hours in duration could be deployed as early as 2027, however, 8 hour duration storage is more likely to be seen in the early 2030s. But the main driving force behind this deployment will be type of support LDES can receive and when the barriers to deploy will be alleviated. Some of the key barriers include: 

    • The inability to submit a negative FPN and therefore charge (is expected to be rectified in 2025 through the Scheduling and Dispatch Programme). 
    • Financing difficulties given both the long lead time and long lifetime, making current investment case models unsuitable for LDES. 
    • Long queues for a grid connection, with no explicit prioritisation for LDES, and the inability to secure firm access. 
    • Prohibitively high import network charges for storage which render many energy trading models uneconomic. 
    • A lack of support, with the CRM being the only viable route to market to date, which is unsuited to LDES given the price is based on new fossil fuel plants. 

    As a technology with low commercial maturity, the capital expenditure for LDES is huge. And the revenue achievable by energy arbitrage is simply not enough to recover those costs. Combine that with a high level of risk given the technology is relatively unproven, and we get ourselves into a bit of a pickle. The Eirgrid LDES Call for Evidence outlined three support structures to overcome these difficulties: 

    • Refine current mechanisms, such as the CRM or DS3 
    • A storage support scheme 
    • Long-term contracts for flexibility services 

    The preference of the group was for a storage-specific support scheme, to provide certainty over revenue streams while still allowing assets to dispatch within the market without TSO instruction. There is curiosity from various industry players in the I-SEM about the ongoing LDES consultation in GB, as it is looking at a dedicated cap-and-floor support scheme for LDES. In short, the cap-and-floor scheme provides a minimum revenue certainty for investors (floor) to provide debt security and a regulated limit (cap) on revenues to avoid excessive returns, in terms of annual gross margin. 

    How this support scheme in the I-SEM shapes up remains to be seen, but I look forward to seeing how this policy evolves over the upcoming year! 

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    Zoning In on the Swedish Bidding Zone Review Wed, 06 Mar 2024 15:46:17 +0000 Sweden is in the process...

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    Sweden is in the process of reviewing its four existing bidding zones, primarily focusing on resolving congestion issues within the SE3 (Stockholm) bidding zone. Our research indicates that the proposed reconfigurations have the potential to improve grid stability. However, they may also affect market liquidity, zonal balance, cross-zonal transmission availability, and financial hedging efficiency.In this report, we have analysed the following questions:

    • What are the proposed configurations, and what is the most likely outcome from the Bidding Zone Review?
    • What is the long- and short-term impact on prices and the economics of renewables & batteries?
    • How could the ongoing Bidding Zone Review in Germany impact the Nordic energy system?

    If you have any content-related questions or want to discuss the Nordic energy market, please contact Laura Raud Pettersson.

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