smartEn Smart Energy Europe Mon, 11 Mar 2024 10:02:02 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 smartEn 32 32 2023 Market Monitor On Demand-Side Flexibility Launch Mon, 11 Mar 2024 10:02:02 +0000 19th March 2024 | 16h30 - 18h00

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WHEN: 19th March 2024  |  16h30 – 18h00 CET                             WHERE: Livestream

Join smartEn and LCP Delta for the launch of the 2023 Market Monitor for Demand-Side Flexibility report. This report offers a comprehensive, high-level summary of 30 European countries and the participation of demand side-flexibility (DSF) in different markets, benchmarking their progress on enabling DSF.

A preview of the topics that will be addressed:

  • the regulatory progress to enable DSF
  • the development of DSO and residential flexibility
  • TSO spend on ancillary service accessible to DSF
  • the development and accessibility of Capacity Market
  • spend and accessibility of wholesale markets
  • the future development of DSF

Mark your calendar for Tuesday 19 March from 16.30 to 18.00 CET and join us online for an insightful discussion with policymakers and industry speakers.

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Position Paper | Why flexible consumers matter: A contribution to EU elections 2024 Wed, 06 Mar 2024 10:52:32 +0000 This paper serves as a comprehensive toolkit, providing essential information on why flexible consumers matter for the transition to a cleaner, more resilient and competitive energy system. Through the successful regulatory efforts at EU level, groundwork has already been laid to support the smart electrification of our energy system with consumers’ flexibility. This must be […]

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This paper serves as a comprehensive toolkit, providing essential information on why flexible consumers matter for the transition to a cleaner, more resilient and competitive energy system.

Through the successful regulatory efforts at EU level, groundwork has already been laid to support the smart electrification of our energy system with consumers’ flexibility. This must be implemented now across all EU Member States.

This paper is the contribution from the Flexible Demand Management Industry to support politicians and campaigners and inform electoral debates ahead of the European Parliament elections in June 2024.

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Open Letter | Call for amendments to ENTSO-E’s 2023 European Resource Adequacy Assessment Wed, 06 Mar 2024 10:02:16 +0000 A robust European Resource Adequacy Assessment (ERAA) is crucial for proactively addressing security of supply risks and facilitating informed decisions to enhance the reliability and sustainability of the European power system. This requires to appropriately account for the contributions of all resources, including from demand-side flexibility (DSF). While smartEn appreciates the improvements made by ENTSO-E […]

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A robust European Resource Adequacy Assessment (ERAA) is crucial for proactively addressing security of supply risks and facilitating informed decisions to enhance the reliability and sustainability of the European power system. This requires to appropriately account for the contributions of all resources, including from demand-side flexibility (DSF). While smartEn appreciates the improvements made by ENTSO-E in the 2023 ERAA, the estimation of installed capacity of DSF for the different target years appears conservative. smartEn urges ACER to request amendments to the 2023 ERAA and stands ready to provide support.

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K.EY 2024 – The Energy Transition Expo Thu, 25 Jan 2024 12:38:28 +0000 28 Feb - 01 March 2024 l Rimini, Italy

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JOIN SMARTEN AND ITS MEMBERS AT THEIR SESSION ON: Demand-side flexibility: a crucial resource for an efficient transition – potential and benefits in the European Union until 2030.

WHEN: 29th February 2024  |  16h00 – 17h30                                LANGUAGE: Italian        


About KEY:

The second edition of KEY – The Energy Transition Expo is scheduled from the 28th of February to the 1st of March, 2024. K.EY provides a comprehensive showcase for the technology, integrated solutions and services that can guide the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral economy. It is also a cultural, scientific and technical hub and community catalyst, able to connect stakeholders, players and leaders in the renewable energy sector, giving them an opportunity to communicate with each other. Not just a business platform, but also and above all an opportunity for education on the subject of energy and the acceleration of the energy transition process already underway.


Within a functional exhibition route that fosters the visitor experience and boosts business opportunities, K.EY continues to develop and strengthen the six thematic and product pillars:

  • SEC – SOLAR EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE: Area dedicated to photovoltaic technology and storage;
  • WEM – WIND EXPO FOR MED: Technologies and services for the construction and operation of ons and offshore wind power plants;
  • HYE – HYDROGEN EXPO: Technologies and projects for hydrogen production and storage;
  • EFFI – ENERGY EFFICIENCY EXPO: Technologies and services to optimise consumption and reduce the carbon footprint of industry and buildings;
  • EME – e-MOBILITY EXPO: Electric and sustainable mobility, from charging infrastructure to interconnection services;
  • KSE – KEY STORAGE EXPO: Static storage for residential and industrial compartment and utility scale;
  • SUSTAINABLE CITY: Project dedicated to the transformation of cities according to the smart city model.

The three-day show will include events, conferences, debates and workshops aimed at exploring aspects related to the world of renewables and the energy transition at national and international level, including from a regulatory viewpoint. The program will be developed with the contribution of the Technical Scientific Committee, formed by institutions, industrial associations, technical and scientific associations, but also bodies and foundations.


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Open Letter | Call to publish the Heat Pump Action Plan without further delay Tue, 23 Jan 2024 11:32:09 +0000 With a letter, smartEn together with 18 sector organisations, NGOs and think tanks call the European Commission to choose determination and progress towards its own Green Deal over fear and publish the Heat Pump Action Plan without further delay.

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With a letter, smartEn together with 18 sector organisations, NGOs and think tanks call the European Commission to choose determination and progress towards its own Green Deal over fear and publish the Heat Pump Action Plan without further delay.

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Open letter l Increasing freedom of choice for consumers: the role of Dedicated Measurement Devices and Sub-Meters in both the EMD revision and Network Code on Demand Response Mon, 18 Dec 2023 11:03:47 +0000 A cost-effective decarbonisation is possible only with empowered consumers and prosumers that can actively contribute by consuming, storing, as well as generating and trading or sharing clean electricity in a flexible and efficient way. Dedicated Measurement Devices (DMD) and Sub-meters, contemplated in both the revision of the Electricity Market Design (EMD) and the Network Code […]

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A cost-effective decarbonisation is possible only with empowered consumers and prosumers that can actively contribute by consuming, storing, as well as generating and trading or sharing clean electricity in a flexible and efficient way. Dedicated Measurement Devices (DMD) and Sub-meters, contemplated in both the revision of the Electricity Market Design (EMD) and the Network Code on Demand Response, are enabling a truly consumer-centric transition, but crucial features and requirements must be clarified.

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Report l Bidirectional charging of Electric Vehicles: enablers & barriers in Europe Wed, 13 Dec 2023 14:32:29 +0000 Europe’s energy system is increasingly needing flexibility. While large-scale energy storage technologies have been the main focus, the importance of small-scale solutions, which are equally critical, is often overlooked. Demand-side flexibility (DSF) is one such solution that can help to integrate renewables, address the generation adequacy issue, balance demand and supply and to make efficient […]

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Europe’s energy system is increasingly needing flexibility. While large-scale energy storage technologies have been the main focus, the importance of small-scale solutions, which are equally critical, is often overlooked. Demand-side flexibility (DSF) is one such solution that can help to integrate renewables, address the generation adequacy issue, balance demand and supply and to make efficient use of (often scarce) electricity infrastructure.

Bidirectional charging (also known as vehicle-to-everything or V2X and vehicle-to-grid or V2G) makes an important contribution to DSF by enabling electric vehicles (EVs) to become a Decentralised Energy Resource (DER), with energy storage functionalities on top of their primary transportation purpose. V2X is still in the early stages of development, however, all major EV Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) either have V2X models or have committed to launch dates. Access to relevant markets and multiple energy suppliers/service providers are fundamental for the business case and future development of these models and a comprehensive regulatory framework must be in place to ensure that monetisation of the technology is possible via multiple routes.

Unlocking flexibility from EVs is not only a resource efficiency issue, it is also key to a fair and just energy transition. Indeed, without bidirectional charging, the terawatt-hours of batteries coming to Europe each year inside electric vehicles could be stranded assets 90% of the time when the vehicles are parked idle.

The role of policy and regulation is therefore to create the right framework for bidirectional charging and V2G to
benefit all Europeans and to initiate the momentum required to scale these technologies. The objective of this study is to conduct an assessment of the current regulatory frameworks impacting bidirectional EV charging in different countries across Europe and explore what regulatory and political measures are needed for the technology to transition from pilot projects to widespread commercial adoption.

The framework for assessing the different countries is split into three areas: EV and charging development
considerations, regulatory, policy and market considerations, and grid and system considerations. The performance of each individual country against this framework is explored throughout this report.

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Open Letter | An acceleration of the implementation timeline for the Cyber-Security Network Code to strengthen the resilience of the EU energy system Wed, 06 Dec 2023 13:34:13 +0000 smartEn calls on the European Commission to develop implementation guidelines for the Cyber-Security Network Code specific to each category of stakeholders to ensure swift and adequate implementation while providing the necessary visibility and certainty.

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smartEn calls on the European Commission to develop implementation guidelines for the Cyber-Security Network Code specific to each category of stakeholders to ensure swift and adequate implementation while providing the necessary visibility and certainty.

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Bidirectional charging of electric vehicles: enablers & barriers in Europe Wed, 22 Nov 2023 13:31:21 +0000 13 December 2023 l Autoworld Museum, Brussels

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We are excited to invite you to our final event of the year which will take place on Wednesday 13 December, from 16.00 to 20.00 at the Autoworld Museum in Brussels. Join us as we unveil the findings of our report ‘Bidirectional charging of electric vehicles: enablers & barriers in Europe’.

smartEn, in collaboration with independent experts from DNV, conducted an in-depth evaluation of the bidirectional charging framework for electric vehicles in 11 European countries. This comprehensive assessment sheds light on the factors that drive or impede bidirectional charging deployment at the national level.

Here’s a sneak peek of what we’ll discuss:

  • Businesses driving bidirectional EV charging: the road towards empowered and system-integrated consumers
  • The EU legislative framework: accelerating or braking the uptake of bidirectional EV charging?
This event is a unique opportunity to engage with industry experts and address how bidirectional charging can transform EVs into flexible and system-integrated energy assets for the benefit of European consumers, businesses and automotive manufacturers. Don’t miss out!
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Webinar l The actual performance of buildings Wed, 22 Nov 2023 13:22:39 +0000 23 November l 09.30 – 11.00 CET

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smartEn and EuroACE are co-organising an online event on the actual energy performance of buildings. System Operators, building experts and market players will exchange on the actual performance of buildings and how a digitally-enabled evolution would further valorise the system-integration of new and renovated buildings.

Here’s a sneak peek of what we’ll discuss:

  • What’s new for smart and flexible buildings in light of the revised EPBD?
  • Why is data on the actual performance of buildings so important for System Operators?
  • What are some real-life projects that already facilitate this evolution?
This event is a unique opportunity to learn, engage, and connect with experts in the field. Join us in shaping the future of sustainable, active and flexible buildings.

Register now!

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