We have now officially connected Portugal to the #2Africa subsea cable system 📶🌍🇵🇹 2Africa is the world’s largest submarine cable system, stretching across 45,000km. The cable, connecting Portugal to the system, landed in Carcavelos, Cascais – 12 kilometres west of the capital, Lisbon. Together with our 2Africa consortium partners, Bayobab, centre3, China Mobile International Limited; Meta; Orange; Telecom Egypt; and WIOCC, we aim to connect 33 countries across Africa, Europe and Asia. Discover the full story here: https://lnkd.in/e9rw9GFY #Connectivity #Networks #Portugal
About us
At Vodafone, we are known for our technology, but the truth is, it is humanity that drives our business forward. With the global pandemic raising so many questions for tech brands, it has highlighted the leading role that we need to play. We believe that, when working together, humanity and technology can find the answers and create a better future for all. Working at Vodafone is all about helping people feel ready to benefit from new technology. We bring the future to even the most remote places, using technology to help families in disaster zones, showing young people that a phone is not just for fun and thinking about technology that doesn’t even exist yet. More than 35 years ago, we made the first-ever mobile phone call, we sent the first SMS in Britain and have been changing the lives of billions of people ever since. Now, we are using smartphones to fight cancer, big data for social good, and we aim to connect over 250 million people to our next generation networks by 2025. We are passionate about building a workplace where you can truly be yourself, share inspiration, embrace new opportunities, thrive and make a real difference to people and our planet. We are known for our technology, but it is humanity that drives us forward. What are you passionate about? #TogetherWeCan
- Website
External link for Vodafone
- Industry
- Telecommunications
- Company size
- 10,001+ employees
- Headquarters
- London
- Type
- Public Company
- Founded
- 1982
- Specialties
- Mobile & Fixed Telecommunications and Technology
Employees at Vodafone
What do the diverse worlds of finance and corporate affairs have in common when addressing a company’s sustainability needs? During a fireside chat at The Economist’s 9th annual Sustainability Week in London, our Chief External and Corporate Affairs Officer Joakim Reiter and CFO Luka Mucic joined Katherine Stewart to talk through how sustainability is changing the dynamics of corporate roles between CFOs and external affairs leaders. Watch the video here: https://lnkd.in/dRjnmqh7
Anul acesta, de 8 Martie, printre flori și bomboane, am ales să discutăm și despre altceva. România este țara din Uniunea Europeană cu cel mai mare număr de cazuri de violență domestică și mulți dintre noi suntem din generația celor care au crescut cu dictonul „bătăia e ruptă din rai”. Așadar, o dezbatere e binevenită oricând, cu atât mai mult de Ziua Femeii. Am avut în această discuție perspectiva comisarului de poliție care luptă pentru prevenție, am avut viziunea judecătorului care trebuie să tranșeze lucrurile în litera legii în cazuri atât de delicate în care spiritul bate litera și am avut optica sociologului care ne-a făcut să înțelegem cum am ajuns aici ca societate. A fost un bun moment să ne amintim și că avem o aplicație, Bright Sky, dezvoltată de Fundația Vodafone pe care ne putem baza pentru a ne informa si a stopa abuzul, dar și politica internă de resurse umane prin care oferim sprijin angajaților care trec printr-o astfel de situație. Subiectul nu este simplu, nu se poate tranșa într-o oră jumate, între două ședințe, dar contează că am început de undeva. Ne-am promis să reluăm subiectul și să facem fiecare mai mult pentru victimele violenței domestice pentru că orice schimbare în societate începe de la individ. Mulțumim, Angela Chirvăsuță, Tarlion Lorena, Dan Petre, Teodora Munteanu, Angela Galeța și întreagii echipe Fundația Vodafone pentru unul dintre cele mai emoționante evenimente interne de până acum. Muțumim, Nedim Baytorun și Nicolae Vilceanu pentru extra bucuria adusă colegelor noastre. #BrightSky #DomesticViolance #InternationalWomenDay
Across Vodafone, there are women doing some remarkable things with #technology. From using generative #AI to improve the customer experience, to delivering a new mobile network in Ethiopia and using IoT to tackle the human-wildlife conflict. This International Women’s Day we're celebrating the achievements of Bev Bartlett, Amy Turner and Fitsum Gorfe. Read about their inspirational stories here: https://lnkd.in/eQMJd_pm #InternationalWomensDay #TogetherWeCan
Under the umbrella of HeForShe, UN Women, supported by the Vodafone Foundation, has today published the first research into FTSE100 companies’ support for employees experiencing domestic violence and abuse. With 82% of FTSE 100 companies surveyed offering some kind of support to survivors, domestic violence and abuse is increasingly seen as an issue employers should address to ensure a safe and supportive work environment. Vodafone launched its global domestic abuse policy in 2019. Vodafone Foundation helps people affected by domestic abuse to find local support and advice through its Bright Sky app, which is now live in 13 countries and has had nearly a million downloads to date. You can read the release and report here: https://lnkd.in/efCqUNXv #UNWomen #HeForShe #IWD2024 #InternationalWomensDay
We’re extending our work with Intel Corporation on optimising advanced algorithms for use in #OpenRAN platforms. The latest R&D will be focused on evolving the Open RAN architecture and using advanced technologies such as #ArtificialIntelligence and #MachineLearning to develop ultra-efficient algorithms for #5G massive MIMO (used to multiply capacity in urban areas). Discover how these innovations will help to deliver the highest possible level of performance for customers, while reducing energy consumption ⤵️ https://lnkd.in/d2P-7G7z #Technology #TechNews #Networks #Connectivity
We've had an incredible time at Mobile World Congress 📶 Thank you to all who attended, including our key industry leaders at Vodafone ➡️ Margherita Della Valle, Joakim Reiter, Scott Petty, Luka Mucic, Serpil Timuray, Giorgio Migliarina, Jennifer Gill Didoni, Justin Shields, Amanda St L Jobbins and more. (Not forgetting our brilliant #MWC TV host, Lucy Hedges.) Events like #MWC24 allow us to collaborate to drive innovation across the business and industry to bring better services to our customers. We're glad we could share our journey with you. Same time next year? #MWC2024 #MobileWorldCongress #Technology #Event #TechNews