Capgemini USA Just another site Tue, 19 Mar 2024 13:53:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Capgemini USA 32 32 Digitalize your helpdesk to drive frictionless accounts payable Fri, 15 Mar 2024 16:46:59 +0000 A next-generation, self-service AP platform ensures you can digitalize operations, in addition to lowering costs and increasing satisfaction rates.

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Digitalize your helpdesk to drive frictionless accounts payable

Mahalakshmi Ramakrishnan
14 Nov 2022

Implementing a next-generation, self-service accounts payable platform drives a faster, more transparent, reliable, and frictionless purchase-to-pay process that delivers increased customer and employee satisfaction.

Managing invoicing and accounts payable (AP) communication with your ecosystem of customers, vendors, and suppliers, while seemingly straightforward, can be a challenge. Indeed, establishing efficient supplier communication, payment reconciliation, issue tracking, and supplier payments often accounts for over 15–20% of an organization’s operating revenue.

In addition, process issues may be created if your organization has no established procedure for suppliers to share delivery information in real time. With thousands of transactions requiring payments and contacts with your supplier base at any given moment, bottlenecks during the process may result in a negative vendor experience and even financial issues. Common bottlenecks can include:

  • Communication breakdown – caused by poor manual processes, ineffective platforms or technology adoptions, and non-integrated technology
  • Delayed information – caused by a non-integrated application that produces incorrect and incomplete information, resulting in a dissatisfied client or supplier
  • Restricted access to information – that leads to a crippling business environment.

A self-service, one-stop shop for AP

One of the easiest ways of addressing these bottlenecks is to implement a next-generation, self-service AP platform – powered by Zendesk’s Digital Concierge or ServiceNow technologies – that provides a single-source of AP information in real time.

By delivering augmented, frictionless interactions and transparency across your entire P2P cycle, an AP platform maximizes the efficiency of your AP processes and significantly increases your customer and employee satisfaction. It also meets the needs of your ecosystem of suppliers, procurement, organizations, and service providers to drive value across your purchase-to-pay (P2P) cycle, including:

  • Deploying a one stop shop mindset
  • Putting business transparency at the center of your operations
  • Injecting automation into your assignments and workflow
  • Improving services, experiences, and productivity.

Increased transparency and satisfaction

Digitizing your core P2P processes and implementing a self-service AP platform enables you to shift focus from delivering transactional services to unifying communication channels – which provides the insight you need to make effective AP decisions in real time.

By leveraging autonomous updates, customer voice support, role-based approvals, and AI-based search capabilities, an AP platform can deliver a range of benefits to your organization, including:

  • Enhanced customer and employee experiences – that drive personalized, frictionless communications across channels
  • Better customer journeys – through AI-first assistance capabilities that increase first-time resolution and next-contact avoidance rates
  • Increased customer engagement – channel-agnostic, AI-led self-service ensures the platform performs as expected, regardless of where your agent is working from
  • Improved transparency – enterprise-wide CX analytics and business health checks, driven by a unified business view, ensures your agents get the information they need in real time, 24/7.

For a faster, more transparent, and reliable purchase-to-pay process that increases customer and employee satisfaction, implementing a next-generation, self-service AP platform is a must.

To learn more about how Capgemini’s AI.Payables solution helps implement a new self-service, frictionless AP platform across your purchase-to-pay function, contact:

About author

Mahalakshmi Ramakrishnan

Accounts Payable Global Process Owner, Capgemini’s Business Services
Mahalakshmi Ramakrishnan leads multi-national multi-cultural teams and transformation projects across the accounts payable.

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    Investing in sustainability: How ESG impacts business, brand, and bottom line Fri, 15 Mar 2024 16:45:04 +0000 The post Investing in sustainability: How ESG impacts business, brand, and bottom line appeared first on Capgemini USA.


    Investing in sustainability: How ESG impacts business, brand, and bottom line

    Greg Bentham
    29 Jan 2024

    I was excited to discuss sustainability on ServiceNow’s panel at Climate Week in NYC.

    ESG is such a layered topic. The premise may be straightforward – organizations must do all they can to mitigate climate change – but there are so many moving parts. In fact, the first question that Maria Hart, Director Alliances ESG Business Development, of ServiceNow put to us was ‘What makes ESG (environment, social, and governance issues) such a complex, difficult challenge for organizations to solve?

    Maria’s colleague, Geeta Jhamb, Senior Advisory Solution Architect, Risk Practice, of ServiceNow presented that in many cases, ESG is the responsibility of a designated team – but in fact, its success depends more on the engagement of the functions on the front line. It is down to the people who own the data to drive the program. It is true. More importantly, it is not as big of a priority as it should be, and there is work to be done by the people to demonstrate its relevance and importance.

    How can this argument be made? How can sustainability be moved up on the agenda at board level?

    The forces fueling the ESG fire

    So, what’s driving this surge in ESG consciousness? Several factors combine to create a flame of change.

    A regulatory tsunami

    The biggest cause of is regulation. Organizations need to recognize an alphabet soup of laws, guidance, and codes of practice, and it’s getting more and more complex. For example, in 2022, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a directive on corporate sustainability due diligence (CSDD). It includes due diligence and auditing around the sourcing of products. Developments like this simply can’t be ignored.

    Brand reputational risk

    The negative risk of sustainability on a brand is a major factor. There is an inherent trust associated with a brand, and a lack of commitment to sustainability from the brand, can imperil the trust of its customers.

    The war for talent

    People gravitates towards employers with values they respect. An organization that doesn’t demonstrate commitment to high ESG standards is going to be a less attractive employer as organizations that do prioritize ESG.

    The investor imperative

    In our talk, Geeta said that 60% of EU organizations, regardless of the nature of the product or service they seek, are including ESG requirements as part of their RFP process. Shareholders and other investors also expect to see organizations making formal pledges to ESG standards before they commit funds. In short, conforming to ESG principles is clearly not just a box-ticking exercise: it could mean losing out on business, or funding, or both.

    A long-term approach – Building an ESG foundation

    With so many different imperatives to act on ESG, it’s very tempting for organizations to jump right in. But in my view, simply jumping into the ESG fray without a strategic roadmap can lead to confusion and inefficacy. Here’s where a data-driven, technology-enabled approach comes into play:

    Here’s an example I used in our discussion. Let’s call it a shoe manufacturing company based in the US. The raw materials used to produce shoes were a big factor in the business, and the IT team wanted to be prepared because they knew that eventually they would be expected to provide reports including evidence of provenance.

    The power of data

    Our advice to the CIO was that two types of assessment would be needed. The first was a qualitative assessment: what was the organization’s readiness to embark on this kind of journey? The second was more quantitative: what data do you have that’s measurable? Specifically, as far as IT was concerned, it related to the IT assets and the associated relationships of those assets. Were they aligned in a way that was ready to be measured?

    In fact, in the context of sustainability, IT is a two-edged sword. Yes, it provides the data that organizations need to assess their positions and act; but on the other hand, it’s also a significant consumer of resources. It’s said that if IT were a country, it would be the third largest in the world in terms of CO2 emissions, and it accounts for 3%-3.5% of total emissions and growing.

    Cross-functional collaboration

    Is this a reason for gloom? In my view, no. Instead, it’s a call to action – a demand to place upon us to use IT as effectively as we can, mitigating against its sustainability overheads while at the same time putting it to best use. This means interacting and integrating with other functions in the corporation, including finance, HR, and operations, to create a new foundation for ESG. Because, just as IT is itself the bedrock on which all those business functions are based, so ESG itself will only be effective when it’s built on something that brings all these organizational constructs together.

    From insights to action

    In our discussion, Geeta pointed out that implicit in this argument was the need for a platform. An effective IT platform, she argued, should bring together data, ultimately yielding information made available to users to gain insights. It should provide a basis for an organizational change management strategy, from which workable policies can be developed – policies that can be tracked in practice, to ensure that teams are doing what’s needed and expected of them in pursuit of ESG goals.

    While the challenges may seem daunting, the rewards of embracing ESG are significant. Improved brand reputation, talent acquisition, investor confidence, and even operational efficiency are just some of the benefits of prioritizing sustainable practices.

    In the next article of this series, we’ll delve deeper into practical steps organizations can take to embark on their ESG journey, providing actionable strategies and tools to navigate the path towards a more sustainable future.

    Ready to unlock the potential of ESG for your organization? Explore how our ServiceNow partnership can help you develop a winning ESG program. Click here to find out more about how the world works with ServiceNow, and about partnering with Capgemini on an ESG program.


    Greg Bentham

    Expert in Enterprise Architecture, IT Transformation

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      How to create maximum business value from process optimization Wed, 13 Mar 2024 15:48:55 +0000 The post How to create maximum business value from process optimization appeared first on Capgemini USA.


      How to create maximum business value from process optimization

      Thierry Kahane & Jan-Malte Praedel
      Mar 13, 2024

      Optimizing major processes is saving enterprises millions of dollars per year by improving cash flow and generating other benefits, from better compliance to better engagement with customers, employees, and candidates. But process optimization across complex corporate systems can quickly become a quagmire, resulting in stalled optimization initiatives or incomplete realization of value.

      Our experience shows that by following a certain set and sequence of steps to actionable process transformation, organizations can get the best results from their optimization efforts.

      The need to understand and adhere to best practices is particularly important for organizations intending to leverage AI and automation to improve processes. That’s because although AI-driven automation can streamline processes, the same technology can make things more complicated if the solution is not properly designed or the deployment isn’t carefully planned and executed.

      Core challenges of process optimization

      Companies have worked to improve processes for decades, and the difficulties in achieving their ambitions can usually be attributed to these root causes.

      Complexity: Within the enterprise, processes are transversal, typically spanning multiple departments and systems – each with their own priorities, requirements, culture, and established way of doing things. This level of complexity can make it challenging to know where to start optimizing and how to optimize in a way that works for different stakeholders – and benefits the whole organization.

      Lack of transparency: In terms of the processes themselves, complexity and silos can make it difficult to gather the data and conduct analyses end to end. The more complex and opaque the processes are, the harder it can be to tie those goals to strategic business objectives.

      Subjectivity: Often, we see decisions about process improvements made based on gut feelings and partial or outdated analyses, rather than analyzing data that reflects the current state.

      These hurdles usually occur together, and can prevent enterprises from successfully leveraging process optimization for the greatest ROI.

      Follow an optimization strategy to maximize value

      We’ve found the following best practices most helpful in achieving business objectives and creating lasting improvements.

      1. Focus your decision making on the value to be delivered. Successful companies set up a dedicated governance with the right roles, ways of working, tools, and decision architectures to drive business value.
      2. For companies that are in the early stages of the journey, prove the value of these efforts (usually measured via ROI) on one or two priority areas.
      3. Establish a team that will focus on this work and embed it into the ongoing operation of the company.

      A value-focused mindset starts with selecting the right problems to solve and considering what success will look like once the problem is fixed. Will the workforce be more productive? Or will there be significant cost savings by eliminating excess inventory or reducing services currently acquired from a third party? Some efforts can even lead to additional revenue generation or cash flows improvements.

      The expected value of successfully improving processes helps prioritize and sequence the multiple use cases considered. It also helps justify capacity allocation across the different teams that need to come together to deliver this work. And ultimately, it clarifies who in the organization needs to approve and recognize the value to declare its realization completed.

      By following this guidance, early-stage adopters are more likely to select a use case that yields the hard-hitting ROI that guide organizational investments into the continuation of the journey to improved processes.

      Setting the scope for process optimization projects

      There are many areas of the organization where process optimization efforts can generate major value. While some areas, like finance and procurement, are well understood, others are starting to get more attention.

      Specifically, we see companies working on many following innovative solutions across functions:

      • Real-time supply chain planning
      • Smart manufacturing plants
      • Engineering design management
      • Redesigning HR for experience and efficiency
      • Master data management streamlining

      There is no limitation to what processes can be addressed with this approach – the only requirements include having:

      • Access to accurate data
      • Contribution from process owners and/or experts to generate the analysis and insights
      • Processes with a large volume of activities and significant associated cost.

      For example, a global consumer products manufacturer recently utilized process improvement to avoid food waste and decrease costs. The company had finished goods in its warehouse beyond the date that could be sold to end-clients. The company used data to highlight when planned production was not in sync with current demands. For products that approached their limit date, an AI solution recommended some next best actions – including transferring to other warehouses with higher demand, a discounted selloff, or ultimately a donation.

      Another organization, a global retailer, improved the effectiveness of its supply chain planning process by using innovative technology and data insights. Initially, supply chain planners were using several diverse systems to pull information together on product demand, supply planning, and orders with vendors. Process mining technology allowed for consolidation of that information in one knowledge model – reducing the effort to pull information from diverse systems and assisting in interpretation of the content. This helps spot planning delays and supply risk in near-real time, so planners can act immediately and avoid impact.

      Making process optimization part of the fabric of the organization

      After demonstrating early successes, companies typically encounter the next major challenge on their journey, which is how to adopt this approach across the enterprise. The ultimate goal is to embed this into the ongoing operations and management of the company, so that these efforts evolve from projects to business-as-usual activities. To make this a reality at enterprise scale, organizations must consider the following aspects.

      • Governance and funding mechanisms – ensure business and IT leadership are on board and jointly make decisions to guide efforts
      • Center-of-Excellence – enable the rapid scaling and sharing of knowledge and capabilities.
      • Technology stack selection, implementation, and updates – identify the most important tools and techniques that help resolve the most pressing issues
      • Value realization and measurement – leverage the value mindset to drive the identification, prioritization, and execution of effort

      Process optimization that delivers maximum value doesn’t start with a specific technology in mind. Instead, it’s about taking the right approach to evaluating processes for efficiency, developing smarter ways of working, and bringing in automation and other technology when it can add measurable value.

      Process optimization should be continuous. That’s because as you improve processes, your organization will uncover new issues and identify new ways to solve them. Saving those learnings in a centralized process excellence hub supports future process refinements.

      Enabled by an impactful governance and targeted funding mechanisms, accelerated and continuous process improvement can become part of the organization’s culture, making process optimization easier to implement with greater returns on effort.

      Meet our experts

      Thierry Kahane

      Vice President in Capgemini Invent’s Enterprise Transformation unit | NA leader for the Process Engineering practice.
      He brings a track record of more than 25 years of success across industries, building and leading teams in high-growth professional services and SaaS businesses, focused on advising senior executives in large complex organizations. He specializes in driving value through process engineering, digital transformation, innovation, and AI/ML and analytics solutions, and is recognized as an expert in accelerating execution and paths to value and as a trusted advisor in transforming client’s business and IT operating models by adopting innovative technologies. Thierry has also held multiple senior commercial roles in high-growth VC-backed start-ups offering high-ROI GenAI and AI SaaS solutions.

      Jan-Malte Praedel

      Director & Head of Process Engineering | Capgemini Invent
      Connecting insights from business process analysis and process data mining, he helps organizations uncover, analyze, and solve business execution gaps. Jan-Malte brings over 15 years of experience in business process and IT consulting in North America and Europe across diverse sectors and process domains. He is specialized at helping organizations build the right programs, teams, and momentum to tackle business challenges in a data-driven way that overcomes resistance towards successful transformation.

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        Consumer-Connected Devices and Why They Matter to Platform Companies Wed, 06 Mar 2024 07:03:50 +0000 The post Consumer-Connected Devices and Why They Matter to Platform Companies  appeared first on Capgemini USA.


        Consumer-Connected Devices and Why They Matter to Platform Companies 

        Gaytri Khandelwal
        Feb 29, 2024

        As a smart devices enthusiast and an early adopter of new technologies, I am fascinated by how far we have come and can’t wait to see how these devices will further transform our lives and work. Have you ever wondered why Smart Devices, also known as Consumer-Connected Devices, i.e., Pixel Phone, Meta Quest Headset, and Alexa Voice Assistant, are so crucial for Google, Meta, Amazon, etc, even though these products might not significantly contribute to the revenue compared to the core businesses of these platform companies?  

        Consumer-connected devices, such as smart home assistants and wearables, have grown exponentially in recent years. These devices offer convenience, personalized experiences, and enhanced lifestyle management, making them indispensable for modern consumers. In today’s digital era, the emergence of consumer-connected devices has completely transformed our interaction with technology. For platform companies, these devices are not just a part of the technological landscape; as listed below, they play a vital role in shaping the future of how they drive consumer engagement, get user behavior insights, deliver services, and gain customer loyalty. 

        #1: Enhancing Customer Engagement 

        – Personalized Experience: Connected devices provide valuable data that enables platform companies to offer personalized services and recommendations, leading to enhancing the user experience. 

        – Constant Connectivity: These devices ensure that consumers stay connected to the platform, increasing engagement and loyalty. 

        – Feedback Loop: The continuous interaction with consumers through connected devices offers real-time feedback, allowing for quick improvements and adaptations

        #2: Data-Driven Insights 

        – Rich Data Collection: Connected devices serve as a valuable source of consumer data, including usage patterns, preferences, and behavior. 

        – Predictive Analytics: By analyzing this data, platform companies can predict market trends and consumer needs, giving them a competitive advantage. 

        – Targeted Marketing: The insights gained from device data enable more effective and targeted marketing strategies.

        #4: Enhancing Product Development 

        – User-Centric Design: Feedback and data from connected devices guide product development, ensuring that new offerings are tailored to consumer needs. 

        – Innovation: The insights gained can fuel innovation, leading to the development of cutting-edge technologies and features. 

        – Competitive Edge: Continuously evolving products based on consumer data help maintain a competitive edge in the market.


        Consumer-connected devices are more than just impressive technological advancements; they are a fundamental element for platform companies in their pursuit of providing exceptional services, gaining valuable insights, and staying relevant in a rapidly evolving digital world. By embracing these devices, platform companies can enhance customer engagement, drive innovation, and unlock new revenue growth and success opportunities. 

        If you are interested in discussing how consumer-connected devices can transform our world. Let’s connect and explore the potential of connected technology and upcoming trends. 


        Gaytri Khandelwal

        Global Platform Leader at Capgemini High-Tech Industry
        Gaytri oversees customer success within the Hyper-scaler/Platform sector. Her over 25 years of leadership experience spans sales, partnerships, customer success, engineering, and IT at fortune 100 product companies and consulting firms. As a technocrat, adept at driving CXO level business objectives, Gaytri has harnessed a broad range of technologies (I.e. cloud, IOT, data, AI/ML, Immersive, and sustainability) to orchestrate large-scale transformations. Beyond her corporate role, she has co-founded a mental health Startup, runs a Startup chapter, and sits on the board of a mental health non-profit.

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          Cyber angel: Aarthi Krishna Thu, 19 Oct 2023 08:06:58 +0000 The post Cyber angel: Aarthi Krishna appeared first on Capgemini USA.



          05 Mar 2024

          Diversity in cybersecurity is very different today compared to what it was almost two decades back. It has become a strong weapon in cyber defense.

          In this conversation, Cybersecurity Vice President Aarthi Krishna highlights how having a diverse team can become the breeding ground for creativity and innovation.

          Tell us about your role. What does a day in your life at Capgemini look like?

          Our clients have traditionally used IT systems and services to drive their business and improve their productivity. Today, technology is penetrating every aspect of what they do, from manufacturing with smart machinery to AI-driven supply chains and logistics to intelligent products like connected cars, healthcare devices, and even home appliances. Security in the new world will be significantly different from what it is today. As the global head of Intelligent Industry Security at Capgemini, I am building our practice to ensure we can take on these future challenges.

          Every day at work is different, and that is what keeps it interesting. A typical day is spent responding to emails, meeting with our clients, engaging with our partners, coordinating with our internal development and delivery teams, and catching up on some security news and emerging trends.

          What makes you proud to work at Capgemini?

          Capgemini has tremendous capacity in both the depth and breadth of what we do. Our people are very experienced and are truly passionate about their job. When you work in an area that is as complex as intelligent security, it entails a great amount of cross-organizational teamwork. It gives me the confidence to know that when I seek something, I will often find answers for it from our teams. I always say you cannot do security for something unless you know that something extremely well.

          How are you working towards the future you want?

          I have always been interested in technology. In my current role, I am actively working on and learning about relatively new and developing areas like 5G, DevSecOps, OT, and IoT security to name a few. Interacting with the leadership teams of our clients helps me understand first-hand how their technology and security landscape is evolving. This ensures that my work is relevant and forward-looking.

          What difference does it make to have diversity in cyber leadership?

          Diversity in security is very different today compared to what it was almost two decades back when I started my journey in cybersecurity. Having a diverse team can be a breeding ground for creativity and innovation. It also enables leaders like us to embrace fresh perspectives and foster employee engagement. Come to think of it, we are protecting our clients from a very diverse bunch of attackers who come from different regions of the world, with distinct capabilities and varying end goals. Diversity in cyber defense can be a strong weapon.

          What advice would you give to someone joining Capgemini Cybersecurity after university?

          Capgemini Cybersecurity is a large team with expertise in several domains within security. Use the opportunity to work on different kinds of engagements. Ensure that you are learning on the job every day because technology is quickly evolving. Ensure that you also understand what others do and how you fit in. Sometimes, it can be easy to get engrossed in your role and miss out on the bigger picture. And don’t forget to have fun along the way.


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          5 Ways AI-Powered Contact Centers are Transforming the Public Sector Tue, 05 Mar 2024 08:38:48 +0000 The post 5 Ways AI-Powered Contact Centers are Transforming the Public Sector appeared first on Capgemini USA.


          5 Ways AI-Powered Contact Centers are Transforming the Public Sector

          Philip Bush
          Mar 05, 2024

          People who work in government strive to offer efficient, personal, and empathetic service to their constituents. But, they’re often forced to do so in an environment built on aging technological infrastructure, with limited resources and tight budgets. This significantly impacts their ability to do their jobs efficiently.

          Capgemini’s Contact Center As-a-Service, powered by Amazon Connect, is a cloud-based end-to-end solution designed to resolve these issues and help contact centers offer a new customer experience with the power of artificial intelligence. This type of generative AI learns the properties and patterns in existing data and uses it to create original content, like text, images and video. Other prominent examples of generative AI include ChatGPT, DALL-E, and Google Bard.

          With Capgemini’s Contact Center As-a-Service, agencies can offer their constituents a true omnichannel experience across voice and chat, with built-in multilingual support and real-time analysis of customer interactions. Here’s how:

          5 Benefits of Contact Center As-a-Service for public sector agencies

          1. Serious cost savings

          According to a Total Economic Impact report by Forrester, deploying Amazon Connect leads to an average cloud subscription cost savings of 31 percent. In addition, the average organization experiences a return on investment (ROI) of 241 percent within three years, thanks to reduced labor and technology savings and increased operating income.

          2. Shorter hold times

          Public sector agencies often receive a high volume of repetitive inquiries, but there are only so many agents available to answer these calls. It’s a recipe for long wait times.

          Capgemini works with public sector agencies to deploy chatbots on Amazon Connect. These chatbots use natural language processing to quickly provide accurate information to constituents. This shortens wait times and frees up human agents to handle more complex queries.

          This boost in efficiency allowed a national provider of health guidance and information services to offer near real-time coordinated care and significantly accelerate its triage and decision-making.

          3. Personalized interactions

          Capgemini’s Contact Center As-a-Service enables public sector organizations to use voice and chat when interacting with their constituents. This provides more options for citizens and empowers them to choose the communication method they’re most comfortable with.

          This is a significant benefit on its own, but it can be game changing when an organization serves a diverse population with different language preferences. By interacting in their preferred language and communication method, constituents feel heard and respected.

          Amazon Connect also offers personalization through various other features. For example, whenever an agency needs to share important information, like an emergency alert or public health notice, Amazon Connect can quickly automate and personalize these communications for audiences. Amazon Connect’s AI can also analyze historical data and predict potential issues or service requirements. This gives agencies the ability to reach out proactively to constituents who might require more assistance, and address concerns before they escalate.

          4. Increased citizen satisfaction

          Amazon Connect chatbots can offer step-by-step guidance and automated assistance when filling out forms for licenses, permits, and benefits for constituents visiting their local agency website. This makes the application process easier and minimizes errors.

          These features improve a person’s experience with their local government, whether they interact with an agent or through self-service. The easier it is for constituents to get what they need done, the more satisfied they are with their local agency.

          For example, after Capgemini implemented Amazon Connect for a large metropolitan police force, they nearly doubled their satisfaction rate measured by a post-call survey program.

          5. Improved efficiency and resource allocation

          True self-service capabilities significantly reduce the load on an already-strained workforce. Instead of spending time tracking down information, agents can deploy chatbots to find answers and resolve a caller’s needs quickly.

          As an open platform, our Contact Center As-a-Service easily integrates with CRMs, ERPs, and other custom solutions to aggregate customer profiles across these disparate systems and provide real-time analytics. Access to this data is essential for informed decision-making by government leaders.  Access to better data also empowers agencies to identify trends and better understand citizen sentiment so they can iterate and improve their services and offerings.

          Serve your constituents with Contact Center As-a-Service

          By embracing AI, organizations can rewrite the narrative of customer service and make public sector contact centers more efficient, personalized and innovative. Learn more about how Capgemini and Amazon Connect can help you unlock these benefits for your organization.

          Meet the author

          Philip Bush

          Amazon Connect GTM Lead | Capgemini BSv, Global Amazon Connect Offer Leader | COE Leader
          Philip Bush is the Global Amazon Connect GTM Leader focusing on cloud contact center modernization across all business sectors.

            The post 5 Ways AI-Powered Contact Centers are Transforming the Public Sector appeared first on Capgemini USA.

            The #1 Challenge Facing Public Sector Contact Centers Today, and How to Solve It Tue, 05 Mar 2024 06:54:57 +0000 The post The #1 Challenge Facing Public Sector Contact Centers Today, and How to Solve It appeared first on Capgemini USA.


            The #1 Challenge Facing Public Sector Contact Centers Today, and How to Solve It

            Philip Bush
            Mar 05, 2024

            Modern systems boost efficiency and cut costs while delivering better service for constituents.

            Imagine the following scenario.

            A local government agency finds itself grappling with a daunting challenge: overwhelmed by a surge in citizen inquiries and facing budget constraints, it struggles to provide efficient and personalized services. Long wait times, incomplete information, and frustrated constituents have become all too common.

            This scenario may be familiar for those working in public sector call center management. But it doesn’t have to be.

            Public sector organizations that do not have an omnichannel contact center solution struggle to provide an efficient, empathetic, and agile experience that benefits their constituents and relieves their city’s budget and resource limitations. This breakdown in technology and communication is the primary challenge facing public sector contact centers today, and its ripple effects are numerous.

            1. Siloed systems lead to bad customer experiences

            Public sector contact centers often rely on aging technology infrastructure, composed of various vendors and systems, most of which don’t communicate well (or at all) with each other. As a result, information gets updated in silos, creating more work for agents who are already strapped for time.

            For example, public sector agencies often receive high volumes of repetitive inquiries about services, policies, and procedures. Without a connected system, agents don’t always have a clear view of the customer journey. This results in a manual routing process with agents repeating the same information over and over, as constituents get transferred from agent to agent until they get what they need.

            This is demotivating for agents and creates aggravation for constituents who wish they could get the right information quickly.

            Public sector organizations also frequently manage application processes for services like permits, licenses, and benefits. Constituents often make errors in completing these forms, in print or online. This leads to follow-up calls and correction work that wastes agents’ time and irritates constituents.

            A centralized solution, allows for greater visibility across teams, enabling a better customer experience. A unified view keeps agents on the same page and helps them route callers to the right resources efficiently. This reduces call time and improves resolution rates – a win-win for agents and customers.

            Open platforms integrate with CRMs, ERPs, and custom solutions to aggregate customer information across multiple interactions. They also leverage AI-powered search so agents can quickly get up to speed. These solutions also offer chatbots and self-service features that enable constituents to solve their needs on their own, reducing call volume and providing much-needed relief to a workforce that’s already strapped for time and resources.

            2. Lack of accessible options limit constituent reach

            Accessibility is important for any organization, but especially so for public sector agencies that need to serve all citizens.

            Most public agencies serve a diverse group of citizens that speak many different languages. This creates a service gap for constituents who deserve access to the same services as everybody else but may not be able to understand important announcements or feel confident submitting applications for benefits, licenses, or other services if documentation isn’t offered in their native language. It also creates a strain on the agency’s workforce, who may not have the resources — human or financial — to hire sufficient translators to service these constituents.

            With modern contact center solutions, multilingual support is no longer a pipe dream – it’s a reality. Built-in translation features and multilingual chatbots, powered by artificial intelligence, give public sector agencies the ability to meet the demand for increased inclusivity and accessibility.

            3. Limited data leaves managers in the dark

            Government agencies require real-time data to make timely and relevant decisions.

            But without comprehensive analytics that track and connect citizen interactions across their customer journey, public sector agencies are limited in their ability to understand citizen sentiment, identify trends, and optimize their services.

            Centralized, omnichannel contact center technology tracks customer interactions across various intake systems and aggregates it in real-time for decision-making backed by data, not assumptions.

            The solution: A new customer experience with Contact Center As-a-Service

            Public sector agencies have outgrown the technology that previously served them, and now face an urgent need to modernize.

            Imagine a new scenario. A concerned citizen, Maria, seeks information about a new community initiative. When she calls her local government, her call is routed to an AI-powered virtual agent, capable of understanding her query and providing detailed responses.

            The interaction is swift, accurate, and, most importantly, tailored to Maria’s needs. The days of long hold times and vague answers are replaced by a seamless, satisfying experience.

            Government employees reap the benefits of this new experience, too. Operational efficiency skyrockets, allowing the agency to handle a higher volume of inquiries with the same resources. The once-strained budget sees relief, as costs are trimmed through reduced agent workload and optimized resource allocation.

            This kind of future is possible today, and a growing number of organizations are making it a reality with Capgemini’s Contact Center As-A-Service, fueled by Amazon Connect. This next generation omnichannel contact center solution is built on Amazon Web Services and powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning. It is easy to implement and manage, cost-effective, and future-forward, leading to radical time and labor savings almost immediately.

            Learn more about how Capgemini’s Contact Center As-a-Service can move your organization forward and meet your citizens’ needs with efficiency, personalization, and innovation.

            Meet the author

            Philip Bush

            Amazon Connect GTM Lead | Capgemini BSv, Global Amazon Connect Offer Leader | COE Leader
            Philip Bush is the Global Amazon Connect GTM Leader focusing on cloud contact center modernization across all business sectors.

              The post The #1 Challenge Facing Public Sector Contact Centers Today, and How to Solve It appeared first on Capgemini USA.

              Enhanced human-machine interaction: making people more productive, more engaged, and safer. Tue, 05 Mar 2024 06:17:04 +0000 The post Enhanced human-machine interaction: making people more productive, more engaged, and safer. appeared first on Capgemini USA.


              Enhanced human-machine interaction: making people more productive, more engaged, and safer.

              Shashank Mane
              Mar 05, 2024

              The interplay between humans and machines defines production capacity for the manufacturing industry. As we stand on the brink of a new era dominated by artificial intelligence, there is a transformative player emerging in the arena: Generative AI (GenAI). One of the most promising facets of GenAI is enhanced human-machine interaction (HMI), as GenAI augments human capabilities, making complex machinery more intuitive, safe, productive, and cost effective.

              The dawn of GenAI in HMI is not just about incremental improvements but is a substantial shift in how we interact with technology. Traditional interfaces, often rigid and limited to specific inputs, are being replaced by adaptive, multi-modal interfaces powered by GenAI. These interfaces span the gamut of human communication methods – text, images, mixed reality, speech, and haptics – and are tailored to understand and predict user needs, making technology more inclusive and efficient.

              Imagine stepping into a manufacturing plant where the machines are no longer just objects capable of an extremely limited number of actions but are instead dynamic partners capable of conversational dialog. An operator, regardless of their technical expertise, can issue commands in natural language, receive guidance through augmented-reality visuals, or get real-time feedback via haptic gloves. This is the promise of GenAI-enhanced HMI.

              The crux of GenAI in HMI lies in its ability to learn and generate new content or responses by analyzing vast amounts of information. It uses this ability to create interfaces that adapt to the user, rather than forcing the user to adapt to the machine. For instance, a GenAI system could analyze thousands of hours of operational data to understand the most common issues an operator faces. It could then automatically and autonomously generate a simplified interface or an interactive guide to help mitigate these issues, effectively lowering the barrier to operate complex machinery.

              This leads to several tangible benefits. For one, safety is significantly enhanced. By providing intuitive interaction methods, GenAI reduces the likelihood of operator error, a leading cause of industrial accidents. Operators receive warnings and guidance in a manner that’s easiest for them to comprehend and act upon, whether that’s through visual alerts in their smart glasses or vibrational patterns in wearable devices.

              Cost reduction is another major advantage. Training time is slashed because operators can learn on the job with the aid of AI-generated guides and real-time assistance. Furthermore, because GenAI-powered HMI can adapt to users’ knowledge levels, the need for frequent retraining as systems update is reduced. This adaptability also means machinery can be operated more consistently at optimal performance, reducing wear and tear and extending the lifespan of expensive equipment.

              Moreover, the flexibility of GenAI-driven interfaces allows for a broader range of operators to engage with technology. People with different abilities, languages, and learning styles can all operate the same machinery with equal proficiency, democratizing access to technological operation and creating a more inclusive workforce.

              As we delve deeper into the technicalities, it becomes evident that the integration of GenAI in HMI is a multi-layered solution. For instance, in text-based interfaces, natural language processing allows operators to input commands or queries in their language, and the system can generate the necessary actions or responses. In the visual domain, GenAI can process images from the machine’s environment and generate augmented reality overlays to guide the operator in real-time.

              In mixed reality, GenAI can create immersive simulations for training purposes or to visualize complex processes, which would otherwise be abstract and challenging to grasp. Speech recognition and generation enable hands-free operation and interaction, which is crucial in environments where manual input is impractical or unsafe. Finally, haptic feedback, informed by GenAI, can simulate the tactile sensation of operating a physical control, providing a more intuitive understanding of machine status or environment.

              The true power of GenAI lies in its ability to augment human knowledge and capability. It allows individuals to operate beyond their standard capacity, making them more adept and versatile in a variety of situations. This is not just about making machines smarter; it’s about enhancing human potential. By offloading the need to memorize complex procedures or navigate complicated interfaces, GenAI frees up cognitive resources, allowing humans to focus on more creative and strategic tasks.

              GenAI is revolutionizing HMI by creating interfaces that are as diverse and adaptable as human communication itself. This innovation is enhancing safety, reducing costs, and democratizing access to technology. The advanced user interfaces developed through GenAI represent the pinnacle of this technological renaissance, embodying the synergy of human intuition and machine precision.

              This enhanced interaction is not merely a convenience; it’s a leap forward in how we conceptualize work and capability. By bridging the gap between human intent and machine functionality, GenAI is setting the stage for a future where technology is not just a tool but an extension of our own capabilities, reshaping industries and redefining what it means to work alongside machines. This, indeed, is the quintessence of GenAI’s power: an ally in the quest for excellence in modern manufacturing.

              As we navigate the complexities and opportunities presented by GenAI-based HMIs, the journey towards integrating these advanced systems requires not only understanding their potential but also addressing the accompanying challenges. If you’re intrigued by the possibilities of enhancing your operations with GenAI technology, or if you have questions about how it can be tailored to your specific needs, Capgemini is here to guide you through every step of the process. We invite you to reach out to us to discover more about our innovative solutions and how they can transform your business. Whether you’re looking to understand the ethical implications, manage data effectively, or navigate to a comprehensive system solution, our team of experts is ready to provide the insights and support you need. Contact us today to explore the future of human-machine interaction and how cutting-edge GenAI technologies can be a game changer for your organization.

              Meet the authors

              Shashank Mane

              Chief Customer Success Officer – Manufacturing, Capgemini

              Andy Forbes

              Capgemini America Salesforce CTO
              Andy is an energetic, results-driven Program Manager and Information Technology Architect who is passionate about ensuring business value drives technology development and operations. He has used waterfall, agile, and scaled agile to successfully manage development and operations for systems based on’s Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and Experience Cloud, as well as Microsoft, Oracle, and open-source technologies. He is experienced with extracting value from emerging technologies, with outsourcing/offshoring, and with performing multiple concurrent roles and tasks. He thrives in fast-paced environments and enjoys working with teams that share his commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

                The post Enhanced human-machine interaction: making people more productive, more engaged, and safer. appeared first on Capgemini USA.

                7 Ways Public Sector Agencies Benefit from AI-Powered Contact Centers Tue, 05 Mar 2024 05:36:51 +0000 The post 7 Ways Public Sector Agencies Benefit from AI-Powered Contact Centers appeared first on Capgemini USA.


                7 Ways Public Sector Agencies Benefit from AI-Powered Contact Centers

                Philip Bush
                Mar 05, 2024

                Shortening average handle times by 15 percent. Decreasing call volume routing by 24 percent. Reducing usage costs by 31 percent.

                These are just a few examples of the real-world benefits public sector agencies are realizing after implementing Amazon Connect in their contact centers. This next-gen contact center service, powered by artificial intelligence, is easy to use, omnichannel, and scalable. That means government agencies can:

                • Pay only for what they use and ramp up and down according to their needs.
                • Talk and message with constituents from a single user interface.
                • Make informed decisions based on robust, real-time data.

                By partnering with Capgemini, government agencies can use AI to redefine customer service in the public sector. The following use cases illustrate how Capgemini’s Contact Center As-a-Service, powered by Amazon Connect, helps agencies become more efficient, reduce costs, and provide personalized interactions that meet the expectations of today’s constituents.

                1. Faster response times

                Public sector agencies often receive a high volume of repetitive inquiries about services, policies, and procedures that increase call volumes and handle times.

                By integrating AI, agencies can deploy chatbots that use natural language processing to quickly provide accurate information to constituents. This reduces wait times and frees up human agents to handle more complex queries.

                2. Multilingual support

                Many government agencies serve diverse populations with varying language preferences. Capgemini enables organizations to offer multilingual support with Amazon Connect, through AI-powered chatbots that come with automated translation capabilities.

                Multilingual support ensures that constituents can access information and assistance in their preferred language, improving inclusivity and accessibility. It also lessens the burden on agencies to find and onboard multilingual agents with the assurance that Amazon Connect can fill in any language gaps as needed.

                3. Citizen engagement and outreach

                Government agencies often need to disseminate important information to citizens, like updates on public health initiatives, emergency alerts, or policy changes. It is vital that this information be communicated in the correct language and communication method to ensure citizens receive and understand it as quickly as possible.

                With Amazon Connect and AI, automated outbound communication campaigns can be personalized and delivered to a large audience simultaneously in their preferred language and communication method, ensuring timely and relevant updates.

                4. Streamlined application processes

                Public sector organizations frequently manage the application process for services like permits, licenses, and benefits. It’s common for these applications to be submitted with errors, with human agents left to figure out what went wrong. The process is cumbersome and frustrating for constituents who want their applications to be approved as soon as possible.

                With AI, agencies can design headache-free application experiences. Applicants can receive step-by-step guidance and automated assistance when filling out forms. This reduces errors and enhances the overall application experience.

                5. Real-time data access and reporting

                Government agencies require access to real-time data for informed decision-making. Without an omnichannel solution that connects different intake systems, supervisors don’t have access to the full picture, which makes it harder to make the best decisions for their constituents.

                Amazon Connect with AI can generate automated reports and data insights from customer interactions. This helps agencies understand citizen sentiment, identify trends, and optimize their services.

                6. Policy clarification and compliance

                Citizens often seek clarification on government policies and regulations. Without chatbots, citizens must call in to get their questions answered, increasing call volumes and hold times.

                Agencies can enable AI-powered chatbots on their website to help manage requests without having to rely on a phone call.

                Chatbots can provide clear explanations and help citizens understand the implications of certain policies, ensuring accurate and consistent information dissemination, while reducing call volume.

                7. Virtual public meetings

                Conducting public meetings and consultations virtually has become increasingly important. However, existing video conferencing solutions are not set up to synthesize information from these meetings with the CRMs, ERPs, and other solutions government agencies rely on.

                Amazon Connect can facilitate virtual town hall meetings, allowing citizens to engage with government officials and express their concerns. AI can assist in generating summaries of discussions and extracting key insights for decision-makers.

                Realize the benefits of AI today

                The above use cases showcase the diverse ways that AI can be harnessed to enhance customer service, increase efficiency, and provide a more personalized experience in the public sector.

                Capgemini’s Contact Center As-a-Service, based on Amazon Connect, is designed to be easy to set up and integrate with your existing CRMs, ERPs, and other custom solutions — so agencies can start messaging with constituents within minutes, not months. Our full-service approach and more than 10 years of experience as an AWS Premier business and technology transformation Partner enables our clients to achieve efficiencies as high as 20 percent immediately after implementing Amazon Connect.

                Learn more about our Contact Center As-a-Service solution, powered by Amazon Connect and AI.

                Meet the author

                Philip Bush

                Amazon Connect GTM Lead | Capgemini BSv, Global Amazon Connect Offer Leader | COE Leader
                Philip Bush is the Global Amazon Connect GTM Leader focusing on cloud contact center modernization across all business sectors.

                  The post 7 Ways Public Sector Agencies Benefit from AI-Powered Contact Centers appeared first on Capgemini USA.

                  Open RAN needs to automate – and fast Thu, 29 Feb 2024 04:33:11 +0000 The post Open RAN needs to automate – and fast appeared first on Capgemini USA.



                  Arnab Das
                  20 May 2022

                  Without efficient automation, telcos are currently devoting upwards of 50% of their network operations to RAN. So how can automation accelerate and take its place at the heart of Open RAN?

                  The case for automation is clear: it will increase efficiency, lower the total cost of ownership – the list goes on. Telcos know that they need to move towards an automated and efficient network if they want to support agile service innovation and delivery on a competitive level. But at present, automation has only reached varying levels of maturity across the network span. For many telcos, RAN automation is still limited to discrete trials with small groups of vendors; it’s mostly experimental, and its scalability remains unproven.

                  Even a few years ago, the complexity of trying to link multiple software systems would have been unthinkable. Today disaggregated RAN is not only possible – it provides a very real competitive edge. The problem is, Open RAN requires a level of intelligent automation that is difficult to build completely in-house1. Let’s look at the specific challenges to automating Open RAN, and then see what solutions are available.

                  No one said Open RAN would be simple…

                  Radio networks are inherently complex. Add to that business requirements that mandate compatibility between new, next-gen networks and legacy technologies, and that complexity multiplies. Operators find themselves facing two options: automation that’s fairly easy to implement, but limited in scope, or automation that links entire networks, but must be custom built, which typically requires some help from outside software experts. Add to that the steadily increasing number of sites2, plus the need to keep software expenditures and OPEX in check, and that complexity becomes a serious obstacle.

                  5G generates a flood of data that – for all the reasons listed above – creates some very real challenges for operators. This data needs to be classified and prioritized for effective network control and management to be possible. The solution? Classic automation is not enough. Open RAN depends on intelligent automation.

                  Abstracted architecture, concrete benefits

                  Capgemini solves the issue of multi-vendor CNF diversity through layered, abstracted architecture. In plain English, abstracted means that the architecture is not tied to any specific vendors’ software, but can be quickly tailored to incorporate multiple combinations. It’s the difference between a recipe for a cake, which needs to be followed precisely, and only works for one set of ingredients, and the skill of barbequing. A good grill master can swap out any number of meats or vegetables and adjust the technique slightly, without the need to find (or create) a new recipe each time. In the same way, an abstracted architecture makes it possible to automate a network end-to-end, without the difficulty and cost of a fully unique solution. That goes a long way to managing time, costs and complexity. But the most interesting piece is yet to come.

                  The spark of intelligence

                  The heart of Capgemini’s OpenRAN Operations Automation solution lies in a set of RAN applications driven by our NetAnticipate AI-Model platform. To address the issues of automation in real time – when millions of impulses are streaming through networks and each one must be routed correctly and immediately – something more than standard automation is required. The innovative solution we’ve created uses the near Real-Time RIC (nRT-RIC) model. This is based on the extendible, abstracted architecture described above, that enables easy integration of multi-vendor xAPPs on nRT-RIC. So whatever vendors an operator is working with, the same powerful AI is able to handle the traffic. RAN-specific AI models that learn with no supervision, make O-RAN NonRealTime RIC implementation possible. The result is a complex network that essentially runs on autopilot3.

                  The challenges of Open RAN – the complexity, the constraining brownfield environment, the risk of cost overruns – these all come down to the need to intelligently manage information flow. By doing so, our OpenRAN Operations Automation solution opens the door to a range of benefits.

                  The benefits of automated Open RAN

                  Intelligent automation turns Open RAN from a resource-intensive challenge into a source of value. Some of the benefits include:

                  • The ability to deploy in multi-vendor RAN environments consisting of complex multi-technology networks where the automation platform can create the greatest operational impact.
                  • Lower operational costs thanks to the automation of network deployment and network operation, leveraging new automation rApps and xApps deployed over O-RAN SMO.
                  • The ease of harnessing proven operational models of legacy RAN application by modernizing to cloud-native service on nRT and NRT RIC platform.
                  • The ability to deploy RAN automation across multi-technology networks, using design patterns in alignment with the O-RAN Alliance, and providing future-proof flexible automation across varying technology and vendors. The level of automation can also be adjusted in the network’s constituent layers to varying degrees – for example a high level of automation on RAN compute and connectivity infra, and a medium level in radio resource management.

                  Looking forward

                  Solving the riddle of efficient Open RAN automation is only the beginning. With reliable RAN, telcos can create new innovative services like end-to-end network slicing and open and closed loop service assurance, thanks to Capgemini’s RAN automation solution portfolio. With the same underlying infrastructure, telcos can start to capitalize on new business opportunities as service providers for 5G consumer and enterprise services, as well as for mission-critical communications providers. With the right partner and the right solutions, the benefits are just around the corner. Contact me below to learn more.

                  TelcoInsights is a series of posts about the latest trends and opportunities in the telecommunications industry – powered by a community of global industry experts and thought leaders.

                  1 Such automation depends on specialized, real-time cloud network functions (CNF) software management and deployment automation

                  2 Due to network densifications and real-time sensitive Radio Network traffic, which makes it very difficult for any third-party generic automation master controller to seamlessly schedule and operate cloud network functions (CNF), virtual network functions (VNF), or physical network functions (PNF) without a large degree of customization.

                  3 It’s worth noting that the nRT-RIC does not have a clearly-defined open interface to xApps, so to enable developers from different expertise background to be able to create xAPPs in an Application Builder environment, Cagpemini has introduced a SDK (xAPP SDK) and plugin template approach to xAPP development.  This can easily be integrated over the underlying nRT-RIC.


                  Arnab Das

                  Vice President of Advanced Connectivity (5G, EDGE Compute, O-RAN, IoT, Telco Engineering R&D) at Capgemini

                    The post Open RAN needs to automate – and fast appeared first on Capgemini USA.
