LinkedIn public profile visibility

Last updated: 3 months ago

Manage your public profile information

Control what sections of your public profile appear when people search for you on search engines.

Edit public profile sections

Important to know

After you make changes to your public profile, it can take several weeks or months at times for search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing to detect changes and refresh. LinkedIn doesn’t control that refresh process. If you’re incorrectly appearing in search results on those sites, you can contact them directly to resolve incorrect search results.

Your public profile displays a simplified version of your LinkedIn profile. You can customize your public profile settings to set limits on how much of your profile information can be displayed. Simply turn on or off the profile sections that you want to be visible on public search engines.

Note: On the Public profile settings page, you'll be able to see and adjust the sections of your profile that can be displayed publicly. Viewers who aren't signed in to LinkedIn will see all or some portions of the profile display selections you choose to display publicly.

Your public profile appears:
  • When people search for you using a public search engine like Google, Yahoo!, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc.
  • On public profile badges.
  • On affiliate and approved third-party services like Outlook, Yahoo Mail, Samsung phones mail app, etc.

You can customize your public profile settings to set limits on how much of your profile information can be displayed. If you'd like to edit a specific section for your public profile, first edit your profile and then enable that section's public visibility.

Your public profile is visible to people who aren't members, viewers who aren't signed in to LinkedIn, or those who haven't linked their LinkedIn account to their account on other approved services, subject to your off-LinkedIn visibility settings. You can access off-LinkedIn visibility preferences, on the Off LinkedIn Visibility settings page.


  • The default photo setting is Public.
    • If you edit the settings of your profile photo from your profile page, then your public profile page will be updated with the new setting. For example, if you change your profile photo visibility setting from Public to 1st-degree connections only, that change will only appear for your 1st-degree connections.
    • You can update your photo visibility settings while you're editing your public profile page (or by disabling your public profile).
  • Not all sections of your profile can be displayed publicly. On the Public profile settings page, you'll be able to see and adjust the sections of your profile that can be displayed publicly. Viewers who aren't signed in to LinkedIn will see all or some portions of the profile display selections you choose to display publicly.
  • In order to see your full profile, visitors may need to log in to their LinkedIn accounts.
  • The Articles & Activity setting toggle will not be present if you haven't made any post.
  • Disabling your public profile hides your public profile from non-LinkedIn members or search engine results. It could also prevent you from recovering your account if you lose access to your primary email address as we may require your public profile URL.

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