Enlit Europe special edition

Enlit Europe special edition

Hello everyone,

I decided to interrupt the regular programme of The List because I am currently getting ready to join 76+ EU funded projects and their teams at Enlit Europe 2023 in Paris later this month.  

And I want you to join me

I’ll spend most of my time there at the EU Projects Zone, conducting interviews that you will have the opportunity to listen to live. And who knows, perhaps even ask a question or two yourselves. 

You can connect with project leaders, managers & coordinators from Horizon 2020, SNETP, ETIP SNET, the BRIDGE Initiative, and the European Union Agency for the Space Programme… to name but a few. 

 Together, we will discuss:   

  • Nuclear Technologies 

  • The European Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan 

  • The latest advancements in digitalisation 

  • Citizen empowerment & cross-sector collaborations 

  • Initiatives for hybrid storage solutions, including hydrogen. 

  • Power generation - from renewable energy sources to nuclear power 

  • and much more 

What’s on The List this week? 

5 EU Funded Projects that will present their final results in Paris: 

You can already read about these projects on enlit.world:

Beyond, Insulae, Fever, Fresco and Ebalanceplus

If you, like me, are curious to hear more about their findings, join me!


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