UPCAST Project https://www.upcast-project.eu/ UPCAST Project Tue, 19 Dec 2023 18:53:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://www.upcast-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/cropped-favicon-UPCAST-1-32x32.png UPCAST Project https://www.upcast-project.eu/ 32 32 European Big Data Value Forum 2023 https://www.upcast-project.eu/european-big-data-value-forum-2023/ https://www.upcast-project.eu/european-big-data-value-forum-2023/#respond Tue, 19 Dec 2023 18:13:52 +0000 https://www.upcast-project.eu/?p=1087 The post European Big Data Value Forum 2023 appeared first on UPCAST Project.


The European Big Data Value Forum 2023, held in Valencia, Spain from the 25th to the 27th of October, marked a an important moment for the UPCAST team. Organized by the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) of which IDC is a member of, the event included a diverse audience of industry professionals, business developers, researchers, and policy-makers from across Europe.

The UPCAST team, in continuation of the collaboration kicked off at the Data Week in Lulea, together with DATAMITE, PISTIS, and FAME Horizon EU project co-organized a session titled “Technologies for the Data Economy.” The session brought together thought leaders and experts to discuss and share insights into the latest advancements in their respective projects.

The first part of the session featured a panel discussion moderated by Richard Lloyd Stevens from IDC4EU, Project Coordinator. Project representatives including George Konstantinidis from UPCAST, Liliana Beltran from DATAMITE, Ernesto Troiano from FAME, and Yury Glikman from PISTIS shared the most recent findings and outcomes of their collaborative work. This exchange of knowledge and experiences contributed to the broader understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the rapidly evolving landscape of Big Data and AI.

In the second part of the panel, Jordi Arjona Aroca from ITI steered the discussion towards “Promoting Interoperability for a Flourishing Data Economy.” The importance of seamless data exchange and compatibility was emphasized by contributors Raul Garcia Castro, Freek Bomhof, and Gabriel González-Castañé. Their insights shed light on the critical role of interoperability in fostering a thriving data economy, emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts to address this fundamental aspect.

As the official sponsor of the European Big Data Value Forum 2023, UPCAST expressed appreciation to the organizers for their work.

Find the session’s agenda here

Session’s presentation here

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Thessaloniki Data Economy Day https://www.upcast-project.eu/thessaloniki-data-economy-day/ https://www.upcast-project.eu/thessaloniki-data-economy-day/#respond Tue, 19 Dec 2023 17:33:57 +0000 https://www.upcast-project.eu/?p=1081 The post Thessaloniki Data Economy Day appeared first on UPCAST Project.


In September 2023,  our project organized the a one day event called “Thessaloniki Data Economy Day”. This event brought together professionals, experts, and enthusiasts to explore the role of data in our evolving world.

The event kicked off a keynote session featuring Stathis Konstantinidis, the Vice Minister of Interior, Sector of Macedonia & Thrace, and Maria Karagianni, the Deputy Mayor of Culture and Tourism, and Chair of MDAT S.A. Their insights set the tone for the event, offering valuable perspectives on the significance of data in Greece and in Europe

Following Richard Lloyd Stevens, the Project Coordinator from IDC4EU, took the stage to provide a brief introduction to the UPCAST project. This was followed by a warm welcome and moderation in Greek by George Konstantinidis, the Scientific Coordinator from the University of Southampton, who guided the audience through the event’s agenda and ensured a seamless flow of discussions throughout the day.


Data Economy Use Cases:

The first part of the event was dedicated to exploring real-world applications of data in various sectors. The UPCAST pilots connected to the region presented their work, with additional speakers representing Horizon Europe projects taking the floor to share their insights.

  • Charalampos Bratsas and Paraskevi Tarani from the Major Development Agency Thessaloniki S.A. and Open Knowledge Foundation Greece discussed “Data Economy and Climate Change Policymaking – The Case of Thessaloniki,” shedding light on the intersection of data and climate policy.
  • Anestis Stamatis and Alexandros Lemperos-Giannakos from CACTUS delved into “Digital Marketing in the Data Era,” emphasizing the evolving landscape of marketing in the digital age.
  • Milan Vuckovic of Nissatech Innovation Centre presented on “Fitness Data,” exploring the implications of data in the health and fitness industry.
  • Evdokimos Konstantinidis from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki introduced the “RAISE Project – Opening Science Data,” outlining initiatives to enhance open access to scientific data.
  • Vassilios Vescoukis from the National Technical University of Athens discussed “Data Infrastructures for Disaster Risk Management,” highlighting challenges and standards in building repositories for disaster-related data.

    Each presentation contributed to the diverse and comprehensive exploration of data’s impact across different domains.

    The second part of Thessaloniki Data Economy Day 2023 delved into the aspect of the event – a panel discussion focusing on the data economy in strategic sectors and domains of public interest. Esteemed panelists, including Savvas Rogotis from BDVA – Big Data Value Association, Olga Papadodima from the National Hellenic Research Foundation, Panagiotis Bamidis from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Nicos Komninos from URENIO Research (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), and Stavros Keppas from the Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), shared their expertise and insights. Moderated by George Konstantinidis, the discussion explored the challenges, opportunities, and future implications of the data economy across various sectors. At the end of the panel attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and  engage in a discussion.

    The event concluded with a reception, fostering networking and collaboration among participants.

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    Empowering success through operationalized security and privacy https://www.upcast-project.eu/empowering-success-through-operationalized-security-and-privacy/ https://www.upcast-project.eu/empowering-success-through-operationalized-security-and-privacy/#respond Mon, 18 Dec 2023 14:49:58 +0000 https://www.upcast-project.eu/?p=1071 The post Empowering success through operationalized security and privacy appeared first on UPCAST Project.


    orderless Cyber 2023 Session on Operationalized Security and Privacy

    In a past session at the Borderless Cyber 2023 event, Dr. Mariza Koukovini from the Upcast project delivered a presentation on “Empowering Success through Operationalized Security and Privacy.” The session explored challenges and solutions in the dynamic field of cybersecurity: 

    The presentation was divided into two main themes:

    1. Operationalizing Security and Privacy: Dr. Koukovini discussed the persistent challenge of balancing human considerations, regulations, and technical implementations in the realm of cybersecurity. The presentation provided practical insights into ensuring that deployed systems align effectively with regulatory and policy frameworks.

    2. Automation in Security and Privacy: Automation was a key aspect of responding swiftly to cybersecurity threats. The session included a review of successful infrastructure and security tools that enabled quick, automated, and synchronized responses, reducing the reliance on human intervention. The importance of information sharing, coordinated responses, and global collaboration in strengthening cybersecurity was also explored.

    Presentation Overview: GoodFlows – A Framework for Automating Compliance of Business Processes and Data Processing Workflows

    Presenter: Dr. Mariza Koukovini, Senior Research Engineer, ICT abovo P.C.

    Presentation Abstract: Dr. Koukovini’s presentation focused on GoodFlows, a solution designed to assist organizations in ensuring compliance with data protection requirements, with a particular emphasis on GDPR.

    The solution comprised two essential pillars:

    1. a semantic policy-based access and usage control framework and a process planning

    2. re-engineering framework.

    The presentation covered topics such as expressive rule specification, real-time decision-making on access authorizations, and a methodology for automating compliance assessment and transformation of process models. GoodFlows aimed to streamline compliance efforts, minimize errors, and enhance scalability.

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    Unveiling the Power of Semantic Technology and Knowledge Graphs: A Journey through KGSWC-2023 and Pacific Rim International Workshop https://www.upcast-project.eu/unveiling-the-power-of-semantic-technology-and-knowledge-graphs-a-journey-through-kgswc-2023-and-pacific-rim-international-workshop/ https://www.upcast-project.eu/unveiling-the-power-of-semantic-technology-and-knowledge-graphs-a-journey-through-kgswc-2023-and-pacific-rim-international-workshop/#respond Wed, 13 Dec 2023 15:52:30 +0000 https://www.upcast-project.eu/?p=1043 The post Unveiling the Power of Semantic Technology and Knowledge Graphs: A Journey through KGSWC-2023 and Pacific Rim International Workshop appeared first on UPCAST Project.


    Our colleague, Tek Raj Chhetri from the University of Southampton, recently had the honor of participating in two prestigious events – KGSWC-2023 Winter School and the Pacific Rim International Workshop on Applied Knowledge Graphs.

    The heart of these gatherings pulsated with discussions surrounding the strategic utilization of semantic technology, specifically ontologies and knowledge graphs, to spearhead the development of privacy-preserving and GDPR-compliant systems. This focus stands as a beacon guiding the path toward a data-driven economy.

    Key Insights:

    1. GDPR Compliance and Privacy: The discourse explored the pivotal role of shared common vocabularies, particularly ontologies, in the construction of robust systems aligned with GDPR standards. Drawing parallels with the UPCAST project’s technological approach, emphasis was placed on ensuring privacy while harnessing the immense power embedded in data.

    2. Explainable AI: In-depth discussions unfolded regarding the integration of knowledge graphs into Explainable AI, illuminating the profound impact of transparent models on comprehending AI predictions. This not only adheres to regulatory requirements but also contributes significantly to building trust and fostering accountability in AI applications.

    3. Knowledge Graphs and Deep Learning: The sessions shone a light on the harmonious collaboration between knowledge graphs and deep learning, highlighting the augmented predictive capabilities that arise from their seamless integration. The UPCAST project, with its innovative methodology, took center stage, garnering attention and recognition in discussions at both events.

    These engagements stand as a testament to the pivotal role that semantic technology plays in shaping the future trajectory of data-driven economies. The discussions offered profound insights into the transformative potential within the realms of privacy, GDPR compliance, and the advancement of AI through explainability



    #SemanticTechnology #KnowledgeGraphs #GDPRCompliance #ExplainableAI #UPCASTProject #DataDrivenEconomy

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    Workshop “Open Climate Data Index” https://www.upcast-project.eu/1005-2/ https://www.upcast-project.eu/1005-2/#respond Tue, 12 Dec 2023 15:35:20 +0000 https://www.upcast-project.eu/?p=1005 The post Workshop “Open Climate Data Index” appeared first on UPCAST Project.


    On Thursday, November 30th, the “Open Climate Data Index” workshop of the municipalities of Thessaloniki was organized by the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering of International Hellenic University in collaboration with the Open Knowledge Foundation Greek Chapter.  This initiative was organised by Charalampos Bratsas, Assistant Professor at the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering (IHU) in collaboration with the newly formed team of Open Knowledge Foundation Greece Student branch and the team of IEEE IHU Student. The aim of the workshop was for the students to record the datasets of the municipalities of Thessaloniki regarding environmental data. The students of the different departments of the International University of Greece, mainly from the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering, were divided in team groups, where each group had to search for 10 datasets to consider for the selected municipalities of Thessaloniki. Their task was to search for datasets that exist in open data portals of countries and/or cities abroad that were discussed in the previous workshop. Some of them was: data concerning green spaces or Forest Cover: e.g. the extent of forests in each municipality and locations, number of trees and tree species data on the percentage of land that is green space, such as parks and public gardens. Regarding the data search, the groups before the workshop, but also during it, had to search for the selected datasets:

    • on the websites of the municipalities,
    • in the open data portals of the municipalities (if they exist),
    • on data.gov.gr, and on the old open data portal https://repository.data.gov.gr/ where there is data of municipalities and public bodies
    • on other relevant sites such as those of the Ministry of the Environment, Thessaloniki Water Supply and Sewerage Service, Organization of Urban Transport of Thessaloniki, etc.
    • on Google

    They evaluated the results, according to the questions of Open Data Index, which was presented in a previous workshop. Also, they organized their work in papers and they marked with signs the different level of openness of their results. Throughout the workshop, Dr. Bratsas and his team monitored the progress of the groups and encouraged the discussion on the importance of environmental data and its contribution to the Open Data Index. The presentation of the results will take place in the next workshop where each group will present their results, including findings and questions answered by the Open Data Index.

    The students worked with great enthusiasm, as the process of recording the data from the various municipalities of Thessaloniki seemed particularly interesting to them, despite the difficulties they identified in the openness of the data. This workshop was organized in the context of the UPCAST Project and one of its pilots who concerns the 11 cities that comprise the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki and their need to realize data-driven environmental policy-making. Working under their umbrella organization, the Major Development Agency Thessaloniki (MDA), and Open Knowledge Foundation Greece (OKF Greece) this pilot will use one of the UPCAST plugins for integration and exchange of all data related to its environmental use case, thus we are planning to organize a hackathon leveraging UPCAST’s platform for the Thessaloniki pilot.

    Also, at the workshop participated Mrs. Paraskevi Tarani and Mrs Anthi Tsakiropoulou on behalf of the Major Development Agency Thessaloniki (MDAT S.A.), who contributed on the procedure of collecting data in a great way with their expertise.

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    Consent Management in Data Workflows: A Graph Problem https://www.upcast-project.eu/consent-management-data-workflows-a-graph-problem/ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 17:43:27 +0000 https://www.upcast-project.eu/?p=996 The post Consent Management in Data Workflows: A Graph Problem appeared first on UPCAST Project.



    Dorota Filipczuk

    Enrico H Gerding

    George Konstantinidis

    Upcast partners


    Publishing platform

    Extending Database


    This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon Research and Innovation Actions under Grant Agreement nº 101093216.

    The post Consent Management in Data Workflows: A Graph Problem appeared first on UPCAST Project.

    Data Marketplaces in the AI Economy https://www.upcast-project.eu/data-marketplaces-in-ai-economy/ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 17:41:12 +0000 https://www.upcast-project.eu/?p=991 The post Data Marketplaces in the AI Economy appeared first on UPCAST Project.



    George Konstantinidis

    Luis-Daniel Ibáñez

    Dumitru Roman

    Upcast partners



    Publishing platform

    Symposium on AI, Data

    and Digitalization

    saidd 2023
    This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon Research and Innovation Actions under Grant Agreement nº 101093216.

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    Selling Decentralized Knowledge Graphs https://www.upcast-project.eu/selling-decentralized-knowledge-graphs2/ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 17:36:50 +0000 https://www.upcast-project.eu/?p=987 The post Selling Decentralized Knowledge Graphs appeared first on UPCAST Project.



    Luis-Daniel Ibáñez

    George Konstantinidis

    Upcast partners


    Publishing platform

    Trusting Decentralised Knowledge Graphs and Web Data, ESWC2023

    ESWC 2023
    This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon Research and Innovation Actions under Grant Agreement nº 101093216.

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    ForBackBench: From Database to Semantic Web mappings and back https://www.upcast-project.eu/forbackbench-database-to-semantic-web-mappings-and-back/ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 17:22:53 +0000 https://www.upcast-project.eu/?p=982 The post ForBackBench: From Database to Semantic Web mappings and back appeared first on UPCAST Project.



    Afnan Alhazmi

    Jaime Salas Trejo

    George Konstantinidis

    Upcast partners


    Publishing platform

    ForBackBench: From Database to Semantic Web mappings and back

    This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon Research and Innovation Actions under Grant Agreement nº 101093216.

    The post ForBackBench: From Database to Semantic Web mappings and back appeared first on UPCAST Project.

    White Paper on the Definition of Data Intermediation Services https://www.upcast-project.eu/white-paper-definition-of-data-intermediation-services/ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 16:44:03 +0000 https://www.upcast-project.eu/?p=911 The post White Paper on the Definition of Data Intermediation Services appeared first on UPCAST Project.



    Bobev, Tervel and Dessers

    Vilte Kristina and Ducuing

    Charlotte and Fierens

    Michiel and Palumbo

    Andrea and Peeters

    Bert and Stähler


    Upcast partners

    KU Leuven

    Publishing platform

    CiTiP White Paper series

    saidd 2023
    This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon Research and Innovation Actions under Grant Agreement nº 101093216.

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