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(168 Countries & The EU)
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Supporting countries worldwide in their transition to a sustainable energy future

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  • Sustainable bioenergy potential in Caribbean small island developing states

    This study assesses the potential for bioenergy production using various feedstocks such as sugarcane, oil palm, and municipal solid waste in six Caribbean small island developing states – Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Guyana.

    Energy transition, Bioenergy & biofuels English
  • Renewables readiness assessment: Solomon Islands

    This renewables readiness assessment (RRA) identifies key actions to accelerate the deployment of renewables and ramp up energy transition efforts in the Solomon Islands.

    Energy transition English
  • Green hydrogen for sustainable industrial development: A policy toolkit for developing countries

    This report by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), IRENA and the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) explores the benefits of green hydrogen production in developing countries.

    Energy transition, Policy, Green hydrogen English
  • Sustainable bioenergy pathways in Latin America: Promoting bioenergy investment and sustainability

    This report presents the outcomes of an IRENA workshop, held in São Paulo in March 2023, that explored potential pathways for the development of bioenergy in Latin America and issued key recommendations to facilitate the creation of a bioenergy market in the region.

    Energy transition, Bioenergy & biofuels English
  • Off-grid Renewable Energy Statistics 2023

    This publication presents statistics for the decade 2013-2022 in trilingual tables, covering off-grid power capacity, biogas production and numbers of people using off-grid power and biogas for cooking and lighting.

    Off-grid for energy access English, French, Spanish
  • North Africa: Policies and finance for renewable energy

    The brief by IRENA, highlights North Africa’s large renewable energy potential and explores its current policy environment to support the energy transition and the deployment of renewable energy in the coming years.

    Energy transition, Finance & investment, Policy English
  • Évaluation de l'état de préparation aux énergies renouvelables: Burkina Faso

    Cette évaluation de l’état de préparation aux énergies renouvelables (« RRA ») pour le Burkina Faso présente des recommandations clés pour accélérer la transition énergétique du pays, en vue de garantir un approvisionnement énergétique durable et abordable, d’accroître l’accès à l’énergie en milieu rural, de diversifier l’économie et de lutter contre le changement climatique.

    Energy transition French
  • Renewables readiness assessment: Burkina Faso

    This renewables readiness assessment (RRA) for Burkina Faso presents key recommendations to accelerate the country’s energy transition, with a view to securing a sustainable, affordable energy supply, increasing rural energy access, diversifying the economy and addressing climate change.

    Energy transition English
  • Water for hydrogen production

    Providing an in-depth analysis of water withdrawal and consumption intensities across various hydrogen production pathways, this report offers tailored recommendations to guide policy makers and industry towards more water-efficient practices.

    Energy transition, Hydrogen English
  • International trade and green hydrogen: Supporting the global transition to a low-carbon economy

    This joint report by IRENA and the World Trade Organization (WTO) provides insights on current and future green hydrogen trade dynamics, and outlines key policy elements that can advance the development of green hydrogen markets.

    Energy transition, Hydrogen English
  • Featured video

    Governments are facing a difficult task of bringing the health emergency under control while introducing major stimulus and recovery measures. The crisis has exposed deeply embedded vulnerabilities ...

    Francesco La Camera,
    IRENA Director-General
  • Featured video

    Time to Transform European Commitments into Actions

    Francesco La Camera,
    IRENA Director-General