The List Issue 8

The List Issue 8

Is space the final frontier for the energy sector?

If there is one thing I learnt during Enlit Europe 2023 – beyond the ever-increasing demand for renewable energy – it’s that access to timely and accurate data is crucial, especially if we wish to expedite the transition to clean energy. At the EU Projects Zone, I also found out – to my surprise – that the EU Space Programme provides exactly that. Access to data, so that stakeholders can make informed decisions. It sounds so obvious now that I wrote it down, but when we were first approached by EUSPA for a collaboration, I was surprised. Very happy – don’t get me wrong – but surprised, nonetheless.

Through its flagship Earth Observation component, Copernicus, EU Space provides invaluable data to renewable energy projects, including resource assessment, planning and development, construction, operation, and maintenance.

Food for thought for the Christmas holidays…

Speaking of which, I would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy, sustainable New Year.

I would also like to thank you for your support (in the form of subscriptions) and love (in the form of podcast downloads).

Believe me, this means a lot to the team that brings The List to you, every month. It’s the (clean) fuel that keeps us going!

We will be back in January with plenty of new goodies for you, so stay tuned!

Cheers, Areti

PS: If you are planning your holiday donations, do consider your friendly neighbourhood animal shelter, and as always: Please adopt, don’t shop.

In this interview with Ross Hastie, Dirk Vansintjan from, the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives, discusses how these community-owned energy initiatives can play a crucial role in protecting consumers from the volatility of energy prices while accelerating the transition to a renewable energy future. Watch now.

The SERENE project aims to develop and demonstrate sustainable, integrated, cost-effective and customer-centric energy solutions for local communities. Its overall objective is to help accelerate the transition of Europe’s electricity system to a more decentralized structure. Its specific goal is to establish locally integrated “energy islands” in different villages of Skanderborg (Denmark), Olst (the Netherlands) and Przywidz (Poland). Watch now.

In this episode of the EU Projects Zone Podcast, Areti Ntaradimou is joined by Markus Taumberger to talk about iFLEX, an EU-funded project that aims at empowering energy consumers. Listen now.

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