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Achieve sustainability from strategy to execution.

We are all facing probably the most intractable sustainability challenges impacting the planet and organizations, both big and small. And as a leading technology company, we recognize our role and responsibility to play a part in managing and resolving these pressures.

As part of our Business to Planet philosophy, we have developed a portfolio of services, designed to navigate the hurdles and at the same time, build in innovation and sustainable performance at scale. 
Our sustainability framework first helps you define and commit to becoming a more sustainable organization through new thinking, and even new business models.  We then help you act on these plans with dedicated solutions for building in sustainability into products, redefining operations and supporting technology. Finally, it is critical to report and manage ESG data, to meet the increasing demands of stakeholders, customers, employees and regulatory bodies and also to measure your impact on the bottom line and on the planet.

We’re ready to be the architects and orchestrators of your sustainable future.


Cyril Garcia, Group Executive Board member, Head of Global Sustainability Services and Corporate Responsibility, Capgemini

Circular economy – a business imperative

Move strategically and operationally from a linear economy that can destroy value, to a circular economy that preserves value. 

What we do

Meeting the many challenges of achieving greater sustainability for your business requires vision and a coordinated approach. We help you to  develop a practical and pragmatic roadmap that embeds measurable commitments, engages your employees, customers and suppliers, and delivers tangible value for stakeholders and the planet.

For manufacturers, there is increased pressure – from consumers, shareholders, regulators – to create products that generate less CO2 emissions, use less water and energy, and keep waste generation to a minimum. We use our engineering expertise to redesign and configure your products – whether vehicles, airplanes, or packaged food and drink – focusing on sustainable materials, cost constraints, and reusability.

Scope 3 emissions represent a large percentage of a manufacturer’s emissions, emanating from right across the supply chain – from design and procurement to distribution. Involving activities in and outside a company’s control, they are hard to track and report. We help clients meet this complex challenge through reengineering supply chains, lifecycle assessments, energy efficiency and smart data collection.

Often overlooked, we know that sustainable IT needs to be designed and planned for, and implemented, to reduce the environmental impact of IT operations across an organisation. We help our clients evaluate the purchase, use, management and disposal of IT devices and equipment, champion sustainability through employee engagement and move towards a greater take up of environmentally sustainable technologies.

Only through harnessing the power of data across your entire ecosystem will you clearly understand the environmental impact of your business. But tracking that data is hard. We help you collate the data you need, analyze and evaluate, monitor your progress, and report on your ESG performance with confidence – to your customers, shareholders, and regulatory bodies.

Joining OS-Climate – the power of community

We recognize that the net zero challenge is immense and requires collaboration, which is why Capgemini has joined OS-Climate, the Linux Foundation’s open data and open source analytics initiative set up to accelerate and scale finance and investment to achieve Paris Climate Accord goals.

“We joined OS-Climate because we believe in the power of community and, as a tech company, we know that the availability and analysis of data – both open source and client data – is a key enabler to help resolve the climate challenges facing us.”

Cyril Garcia, Group Executive Board Member, Head of Global Sustainability Services and Corporate Responsibility

“We are delighted that Capgemini will help scale OS-Climate’s impact in accelerating greenhouse gas mitigation and resilience and bring open data and open source analytics to help businesses and the financial community develop better climate-aligned strategies and investments.”

Truman Semans, OS-Climate Founder and CEO

From idea to action: Technology for sustainability

A sustainable future calls for collective action, bolder leadership, and smarter technologies. Discover how technology is reshaping our fight against climate change. Swipe to discover more.

      Expert perspectives

      Data and AI, Sustainability

      The synergy of generative AI and sustainable investing

      Sreeram Yegappan
      Nov 8, 2023

      Airbus unveils innovative wind-assisted technology

      Pascal Brier
      Nov 2, 2023

      Meet our experts

      Vincent Charpiot

      Executive Vice President, Head of Group Sustainability Accelerator
      I am a senior business executive and global business leader with extensive experience in helping clients manage their digital transformations. I lead the Group Sustainability Accelerator and my focus is to ensure we go to market with a unique Sustainability Services portfolio and ecosystem to help our clients on their journey to Net Zero, in an evolving ESG regulation.

      Florent Andrillon

      Group Climate Tech leader
      Florent leads clean tech business development with all sustainability teams across the Group. He has more than 20 years of experience in the energy and utilities sector, helping clients to achieve their sustainability goals and transition to a low-carbon economy. He has a strong focus on the energy, resources, and clean tech market, as well as on sustainability, climate, and energy transition issues. He leverages Capgemini’s capabilities and its external partners to deliver innovative and impactful solutions.

      Valérie Perhirin

      EVP, Intelligent Sustainability Powered by Data, Capgemini Sustainability Services
      Valerie leads a global team of data experts including scientists, analysts, architects, and engineers that partner with clients to leverage data to design and execute sustainable transformation. Her continued focus on leveraging the latest in technology and advancements in AI and modern analytics ensures clients achieve business value and sustainable operations at scale from data.

      Arthur Arrighi de Casanova

      Head of Sustainable Futures, Capgemini Invent France
      Arthur has over 10 years of experience leading exclusively sustainability and energy transition engagements, supporting clients in the development of related strategies. At Capgemini Invent, in recent years, Arthur has applied his expertise to the creation of climate and growth strategies, renewables development, green power sourcing, market analysis, transformational roadmaps, business due diligence, new business model design, and go-to-market support.

      Salomon (Sol) Solinas

      EVP: Americas Sustainability Lead
      I’m a corporate sustainability and digital transformation expert, with 25 years’ experience, spanning multiple industries, and the lead for Sustainability in the Americas for Capgemini. My ESG and sustainability expertise includes digital transformation, circular economy, strategic energy management, ENERGY STAR and LEED green buildings, green IT, renewable energy, carbon foot-printing, and environmental metrics/ reporting. I was a founder of US EPA’s ENERGY STAR program and its Director of Strategic Planning.

      Laurence Jumeaux

      Business Technology Vice-President, Sustainable IT lead, Capgemini Invent
      Laurence Jumeaux leads Capgemini Invent’s Sustainable IT offer, a central part of Capgemini’s broader sustainability portfolio. With more than 20 years’ experience in IT Transformation, which in recent years focused on sustainability, Laurence supports her clients’ organization and technology transformations.

      Vincent de Montalivet

      Principal, Global Co-Offer Lead, Carbon Sustainability Data Hub
      Empowering sustainability with Data & AI innovation and culture change is a way to bring value generating transformation pathway for business, planet and society

        Leading sustainability

        Our latest thought leadership and insights on a topic that is shaping the future of business, and society.

          Environmental sustainability

          Acting on climate change lies at the heart of our Group priorities.