Enlit On The Road Bilbao

Enlit hit the road to find out how the energy transition is manifesting in Bilbao.

During the first day, we met different organisations that play a key part in the Technology sector in Bilbao and met with city representatives to understand the latest challenges and opportunities.

On the second day, we had the opportunity to visit the Global Smart Grids Innovation Hub from Iberdrola along with 60 participants from the sector. The Hub was launched in October 2021 and is Iberdrola’s global innovation and knowledge centre that aims to be a world reference in smart grids and will enable it to respond to the challenges of the energy transition. Find out more here.



During the first day, we met different organisations that play a key part in the Technology sector in Bilbao and met with city representatives to understand the latest challenges and opportunities.

Participating organisations and institutions included:

On the second day, we had the opportunity to visit the Global Smart Grids Innovation Hub from Iberdrola along with 60 participants from the sector. The Hub was launched in October 2021 and is Iberdrola’s global innovation and knowledge centre that aims to be a world reference in smart grids and will enable it to respond to the challenges of the energy transition. Find out more here.

Discussion topics included:
  • Innovation and Transformation for future DSO
  • Storage
  • Data Technologies
  • Hydrogen
  • Smart Mobility

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A word from our Partners

José I. Hormaeche
General Manager, Basque Energy Cluster

The Basque Country is one of the most important industrial hubs of Europe in Smart Grids technologies. Companies all along the value chain are collaborating to contribute to the electrification of consumption and the digitalisation of the grid, as key challenges in the energy transition, based on the competitiveness of the solutions they develop and their global footprint.

Energy transition offers a unique opportunity and at Iberdrola we want to be a relevant actor in this transformation. We are thrilled to welcome Enlit to Bilbao, we will share our plans and projects to collaborate in finding the talent and companies that can help us build this amazing future.

Javier Arriola
Director, Iberdrola
Francisco Puente, Director, Escan Energy
Francisco Puente, Director, Escan Energy

It was a great experience attending the first Enlit On The Road in Bilbao, particularly the mix of exchanging experiences with the group of professionals and the Enlit team, plus visiting Iberdrola facilities to understand in real-time what’s going on today in the utility sector.

This region contains an industrial complex that produces almost everything, including a wide multisectoral range ranging from trains and vehicles, with their respective components, to aeronautical equipment and systems for spacecraft, energy, marine wind turbines, state-of-the-art machine tools or vessels with special characteristics. As far as energy is concerned, they have been a benchmark in the latest generation technologies and have worked to seek consensus at a national and international level.

Ramon Gallart Fernandez, Director of Innovation – Estabanell, Director – Geode

Get Involved!

Are you interested to learn more about Enlit On The Road? Contact Rogier Kuttschreuter to exchange further details:

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