Upcoming Events

Enlit.World upcoming events.

April 2024

09 - 09
09 - 09 April @ 9 AM - 5 PM
Location: Brussels, Belgium

This event will bring together all the relevant actors of the energy industry digital value chain to illustrate the Smart5Grid project results, the feedback from the platform users, their lessons learned and possible future developments.

22 - 25
22 - 25 April
Organiser: World Energy Council Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands

May 2024

13 - 15
13 - 15 May @ 8 AM - 5 PM
Organiser: Sustainable Energy Council Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
21 - 23
21 - 23 May @ 9 AM - 5 PM
Organiser: Vuka Group

Enlit Africa is where the most influential energy companies come together to drive opportunity.

22 - 23
22 - 23 May @ 12 AM - 12 AM
Organiser: Eurelectric Location: Lagonisi, Greece

October 2024

08 - 18
08 - 18 October
Organiser: Enlit Asia

Enlit Asia engages power and energy professionals in Southeast Asia year-round to connect, educate and advance the energy transition.

22 - 24
22 - 24 October
Organiser: Clarion Events

Enlit Europe is a constantly growing, inclusive, end-to-end forum that addresses every aspect of the energy agenda.