Webinar Recording: Using analytics to proactively manage the grid & work smarter

60-minute session

As the adoption of electric vehicles and distributed energy resources like solar, wind power, and battery storage become more widespread and add more load to the grid, the introduction of these new elements creates disruption and presents grid reliability challenges that must be addressed.

In choosing to manage their data better and smarter via the establishment of streamlined processes (versus building more infrastructure), Australian utility, United Energy, is addressing key use cases to glean critical insights to solve these challenges.

Some of these use cases include:

  • Active Premise Load Shedding
  • Battery and Electrical Vehicle Identification
  • Blown HV Fuse and Candling Fuse Detection
  • Customer-to-transformer Mapping
  • Dynamic Voltage Management
  • Fault Location identification
  • Network Neutral Deterioration Detection
  • Maximizing Rooftop Solar Installations
  • Revenue Assurance

Attendees will understand project drivers, use case applicability, and the vision for applying future (and unanticipated) use cases as well as how the nature and urgency of each use case will determine whether back-office analytics or edge-based intelligence makes the most sense to utilize.

Learn how United Energy has changed its overall approach and how they are now equipped with the right tools to proactively manage its grid. Ultimately, this approach enhances operational efficiencies, lowers costs, maximizes the adoption of EVs and DERs, ensures grid reliability, protects and extends the life of grid assets, provides new avenues for customer engagement, and opens the door to new revenue streams.


Gary Kessler, Senior Product Line Manager | Itron, Inc.


Tobie de Villiers, Head of Network Intelligence Manager | CityPower, Powercor, and United Energy

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