Our brand

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Our brand aims to bring together the concepts that are described in our name, namely grids and expertise, in a logo that’s evocative, flexible and dynamic.

The figure of eight is similar to the symbol of infinity and represents the flow of energy. It is open and shows that we are ready to be a partner in the development and use of next-generation smart grids.

This figure consists of two circles: one of them represents the future of energy in the form of an electron. This is transformed into data, which is represented by the other circle, which is the symbol of bits in digital language: in other words, data.

The effect is one of continuous movement which, like electricity, pervades everything we do, in a circular and infinite way.

Gridspertise - Brand Guidelines

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Gridspertise logo asset centred

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Gridspertise logo flag photographic

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Gridspertise logo flag flat

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