The EU Energy Projects Podcast: Real time consumer data with Project EDDIE

Project EDDIE is the first data space to bring real-time consumer data into European energy markets. In this episode of the EU Energy Projects Podcast, Areti is joined by Laurent Schmitt, who represents Project EDDIE, to discuss the importance of robust EU regulations in data protection, cybersecurity, cost efficiency, as well as Europe’s competitiveness in cloud and data spaces compared to China and the US.

Project EDDIE focuses on reducing cost of data sharing, making data interoperable and managing consumer consent. The whole endeavour isn’t without challenges, though. For example, flexibility management, as well as concerns regarding data access and security.

Laurent talks us through the intricacies of data spaces, a phenomenon shaping how we share and govern data across a federation of clouds with an emphasis on sovereignty, cybersecurity, and the geographic nature of data.

Laurent also addresses the nuances between freely available data and models that necessitate payment, and the role of open-source technology in this ecosystem.

Amidst the discussion, GDPR and the imperative of maintaining data anonymity resonate as foundational aspects of this transformation.  

The Podcast explores the emergent role of specialised companies like Decibel in the energy transition, Europe’s standing in the global data sharing echelons, and the need for stringent technological safeguards against external cyber threats.

The conversation will also charge into the realm of electric vehicles, touching on the projected surge in both EVs and homes equipped with PVs by 2035, laying down the tracks for a future powered by renewables.             

Project EDDIE demonstrates how the need for robust regulations aligns with the ambition of making Europe a powerhouse of smart industry.

Stay tuned for a visionary episode full of insights and optimism for a greener, smarter world.

*Laurent Schmitt is the Head of Utilities & European Developments at dcbel & President at Digital4Grids

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