
Flue Gas Pre-Treatment for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture

 Proven technologies from the industry leader

B&W: The worldwide leader in flue gas pre-treatment technologies for post-combustion carbon capture

With the world’s continued focus on decarbonization, post-combustion carbon capture opportunities and installations are expected to increase exponentially.

Solvent-based scrubbing technologies, like B&W’s SolveBright™ process, often require reductions in various pollutants found in the incoming flue gas. Pre-treatment of the flue gas is vital for the operation and economics of the process to result in the optimum effectiveness of the carbon capture technology. Even if your plant is currently meeting all required emissions levels, further reduction may be necessary to meet the requirements of the selected solvent-based scrubbing technology.

As innovators and experts in providing a wide range of emissions control solutions, B&W can be your trusted partner to integrate the necessary environmental technologies into your carbon capture system. We can supply additional emissions control equipment or modify one or more of your existing flue gas cleaning system(s).

Whether or not you choose our SolveBright post-combustion technology for your carbon capture project, turn to us for optimal flue gas pre-treatment solutions.

icon wet FGD

Wet Scrubber Installations

icon wet dry scrubbers

Dry Scrubber Installations

icon wet ESP

Wet ESP Installations

icon wet dry esps

Dry ESP Installations

icon sorbent injection

Sorbent Injection Installations

icon fabric filters

Fabric Filter Installations

icon scrs

SCR Installations

icon direct contact coolers

Flue Gas Condensation Installations

Proven emissions control technologies

Higher concentrations of a wide range of inlet pollutants lead to higher solvent make-up rates and higher operating costs. Since solvent is typically much more expensive than other reagents, removal of the pollutants upstream of the CO2 absorber usually reduces overall costs.

B&W understands the capital and operating costs of both the upstream pre-treatment system and the CO2 scrubbing system. Additionally, we have experience with analyzing and treating flue gas characteristics from nearly every fuel. For any size system. To help meet regulations in any part of the world.

We are experts in analyzing flue gas characteristics, then engineering and integrating the most effective emissions control system to handle the entire flue gas train.

Whatever the emission, B&W has a well-proven pre-treatment technology to meet required levels to optimize carbon capture.


Hover mouse over the incoming flue gas constituent to see the related pre-treatment technology.

flue gas
Pre-Treatment Technologies
Carbon capture

Effective pre-treatment for optimal CO2 scrubbing

All acid gases will degrade the solvents used in a post-combustion carbon capture system. Therefore, it’s imperative that the levels of sulfur dioxide (SO2), sulfur trioxide (SO3), hydrogen chloride (HCl), and hydrogen fluoride (HF) within the flue gas be reduced prior to entering the CO2 absorber.

SO3 is a particular concern as it can form aerosols which absorb the solvent and pass through the CO2 scrubber leading to high concentrations of solvent exiting the system. This could result in solvent emissions being higher than regulated values while also adding to operating costs since the solvent make-up rate will increase.

Other pollutants can also pose problems. Nitrogen oxides (NOx), specifically NO2, are also detrimental for the solvent and can lead to hazardous degradation products in the process. CO2 scrubbing operation may also improve when particulate matter is removed from the flue gas prior to the scrubbing process.

Effective pre-treatment for optimal CO2 scrubbing

Acid gases

B&W offers a variety of solutions for the removal of acid gases such as sulfur oxides (SO2 and SO3), hydrogen chloride (HCl), hydrogen fluoride (HF) and other hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). Choosing the appropriate technology will depend on incoming emissions levels, existing pollution control equipment at the plant, and levels needed to meet new requirements.

Particulate and acid mists

We provide a wide range of solutions for the removal of particulate matter (PM) and aerosol mists produced during combustion or manufacturing processes. Our experience provides our customers with the best available technology for most applications, regardless of fuel.


The reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) can be accomplished both by utilizing low NOx burners in the combustion process or by post-combustion technologies such as selective catalytic (SCR) or non-catalytic reduction (SNCR). Our latest and most advanced low NOx burner designs offer significant NOx reduction capabilities across the full range of boiler configurations and combustion firing patterns. Customized SCR and SNCR designs provide a comprehensive and integrated package that considers a wide range of factors


B&W has been actively involved in research and development, demonstration programs, and implementation of mercury control systems since the early 1990s. We have multiple solutions, including activated carbon (ACI) and dry sorbent injection (DCI) focused on integrating a variety of low cost technologies with other air quality control systems that may already exist at a power plant.

Flue gas moisture

While not a pollutant, moisture in the flue gas can negatively affect downstream equipment. In addition, solvents usually have optimal absorber operating temperatures lower than the inlet flue gas temperature. B&W’s direct contact cooler (DCC) recirculates liquid within a spray tower, cooling the flue gas so that moisture condenses, allowing a dryer and cooler flue gas to enter the carbon capture system. The DCC can often be designed for acid gas removal as well to reduce footprint and costs.

Applications and technology expertise

The expertise and applications of B&W technologiesAll our emissions control technologies can be provided on new equipment installations or as upgrades to existing systems. In addition to the extensive emissions control technologies we’ve developed in-house, through acquisitions and licenses we can also provide technologies from some of the most well-known brands in the industry, including: Hamon Research-Cottrell, Joy Environmental, Joy Western, PrecipTech, FLS, Buell, BHA and GE, among others.

We offer complete construction capabilities as well as aftermarket parts and field services.


The worldwide leader in flue gas pre-treatment technologies
for post-combustion carbon capture