Success Stories

From The Leader in Clean Power Production Technologies

Kelvin Waste-to-Energy Plant, West Bromwich, England

Kelvin is a waste-to-energy (WTE) facility now under construction in Sandwell West Midlands, just outside Birmingham, U.K. When operational, it will divert 395,000 tonnes of non-recyclable household and business waste from landfill or export overseas. The residual waste will be used to generate 44 MW (gross) of baseload energy, equivalent to the needs of more than 95,000 homes.
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Unique Construction Approach to Refinery Boiler Refurbishment

An oil refinery in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada was experiencing boiler failures that were having a frequent and negative impact on its operations. This project showcases how the linkage of creative engineering, material supply and advanced construction planning come together to meet ambitious goals and minimize impacts to customer operations during and well after project completion.
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SPIG® Cooling Tower Installation

To assist with a plant upgrade, one of the largest refineries in Europe selected and presented B&W Environmental (B&W) with a bold challenge: the comprehensive disassembly and reassembly of a SPIG® fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) Cooling Tower (CT) comprising two cells within a tight 21-day timeframe to synchronize with a planned shutdown. B&W’s team engineered the execution plan that required both speed and precision.
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Emissions Control Projects Highlight Diversity of Technologies

Our experience with innovative emissions control technologies includes our established OEM experience base as well as technologies added through strategic acquisition, such as Hamon Research-Cottrell, Joy Environmental and Western Precipitation. These projects highlight a range of emissions control success stories for various applications in several industries.
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Superheater Replacement and On-Site Inconel® Cladding – Eeklo, Belgium

Babcock & Wilcox Renewable Service (B&W) won the order for replacement of superheaters 1, 2 and 3 and on-site Inconel® cladding in the first boiler pass of IVM’s waste-to-energy line 2 in Eeklo, Belgium.
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Water-Cooled Inconel® Panels in Furnace – Bolton, England

In 2021, Babcock & Wilcox Renewable Service (B&W) won the order from SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK for engineering, manufacturing, delivery and installation of new Inconel®-cladded furnace walls for the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA)-owned Thermal Recovery Facility at Raikes Lane, Bolton, England.
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WTE Boiler Upgrade With Water-Cooled Air Zones – Shetland Islands

B&W Renewable Service provided upgrade design, engineering and components for an energy from waste boiler which included new Inconel®-cladded water-cooled wear zones, air-cooling system, secondary air system, new feeding hopper, and combustion control system.
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WTE Boiler and Furnace Upgrades - Eeklo, Belgium

B&W Renewable Service provided engineering, manufacturing, delivery, construction advisory services, commissioning, testing, operator training, and project management for new feeding systems, grates, riddlings and slag handling systems, water-cooled furnaces, combustion air system, support burners and hydraulic system for the plant’s two identical WtE lines.
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Replacement of Economizers 1, 2, 3, and 4 - Odense, Denmark

B&W Renewable Service dismantled old and installed, tested and commissioned four new economizers on a waste-to-energy line at Fjernvarme Fyn.
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Furnace / Boiler Upgrade - Leirvik, Faroe Islands

Babcock & Wilcox Renewable Service upgraded the furnace and replaced the hot water boiler at Leirvik waste-to-energy plant in the Faroe Islands. The plant dates back to 1989 and was originally designed for 2.5 tons of waste per hour. The purpose of the plant upgrade was partly to increase the capacity of the plant and to extend the service life. The capacity was raised to 3.5 t/h, 12 bar and 140 °C and is expected to extend its useful life.
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Panel Walls and Economizer Replacement - Uppsala, Sweden

The B&W Renewable Service delivery included project management, engineering, procurement, manufacturing and replacement of an economizer for a waste-to-energy boiler (Line 1) in Uppsala, Sweden. Also included in the project was to replace panel walls including cladding with Inconel® 625 on site.
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Coal to Biomass Fuel Conversion - Linköping, Sweden

The B&W Renewable Service scope of supply included project management, engineering, design, manufacturing, delivery, disassembly, installation, commissioning, testing and documentation for conversion of an existing boiler (Line 1), from coal to biomass combustion (wood chips and waste wood). After the conversion to biomass, the boiler can deliver 93 tons of steam per hour at a steam temperature of 475 °C and pressure at 56 bar.
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