Innovation at Siemens Energy Header Image

Innovation at Siemens Energy

Accelerating the shift to a sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy system

Forging new pathways to a decarbonized society

The success of the energy transition hinges on mitigating the effects of climate change, while at the same time creating a secure, reliable, and affordable energy system for all.
Achieving this will take time and require organizations across industries to rethink traditional ways of working, including how they develop technologies and engage internally and externally to deploy their products and services.

Agility, efficiency, and collaboration will be key to driving innovation and driving in the rapidly evolving business environment.

Combinated Icon Gas and Wind

Solving the Energy Trilemma will require a combination of both new and existing technologies.

Animated Icon 45%

45% of emission reduction will come from technologies which have not yet reached the market

Animated Icon Cost for R&D

Siemens Energy invests more than $ 1billion USD annually in R&D.

Innovation is indispensable to the energy transition

Constant improvement is key. 
Here's the how, where, what, and why of our approach:

Why we innovate

Innovation is at the core of the Siemens Energy brand.

We strive to continuously push the boundaries of what is possible by staying at the leading edge of disruption.

It’s estimated that 45% of all emissions savings in 2050 will come from technologies that have not yet reached the market. Our innovation strategy focuses on changing this by transforming ideas into reality and creating an ecosystem in which the technologies with the greatest potential to drive the energy transition will flourish.

How we innovate

Our approach to innovation is broad-based and focuses on driving the Energy Transition through multiple pathways, including:

  • Incremental Innovation
  • Adjacent Innovation
  • Significant Innovation
  • Disruptive Innovation

We do this by building our capabilities through R&D and co-creating with partners to unlock synergies and find new solutions to problems. Through Siemens Energy Ventures, we work together with start-ups to leverage innovation in the startup ecosystem.

What we innovate

At Siemens Energy, we are focusing on three key areas to decisively shape tomorrow’s world: 1) low- and zero-emission power generation; 2) efficient transmission and storage of electricity; and 3) reducing CO₂ emissions from industrial processes.

Based on future economic value and industry needs, we have identified five Fields of Action, each of which is meant to effect meaningful progress in these three areas and serve the core mission to accelerate the energy transition:


Read more about the Haru Oni Project in Chile, South America, where we are producing climate-neutral e-fuels from water, renewables, and captured carbon.

Energy storage

Read more about how our lithium-ion batteries can be used to balance fluctuations in power grids with high penetration from renewables.

Decarbonized heat and industrial processes

Find out how our high-temperature heat pump is supplying Berlin with net-zero heat.

Condition-based service interventions

Discover how we are enabling sustainable operation of hybrid power systems with dispatch optimization, and supporting our customers on their journey toward autonomous operations.

Resilient grids and reliability

Read about how we helped stabilize Ireland’s electrical grid with the world’s largest flywheel.

Where we innovate

The transition to a decarbonized global energy system will look different for every country and region.

Technologies and solutions that work well in one area or location may not be relevant in another, whether due to regulations, environmental conditions, existing infrastructure, societal needs, etc.

Our Innovation Centers provide a dedicated workforce for focused execution of our field of action related R&D projects and make best use of our regional partnering ecosystems, i. e. external funding opportunities, academia, start-ups, and industrial partners.

We recognize this reality and have established our Innovation Centers strategically at the following locations:

The Innovation Centers differ in their capabilities and are tailored to serve the unique needs of the region and our customers that reside within it.

This provides us with the ability to improve the speed and efficiency of technology deployment and target our innovation efforts where they will have the greatest impact.

Leveraging collaboration and strategic partnerships to drive meaningful change

At Siemens Energy, our innovation strategy is not just about technology and products. It is about empowering people and partners, both within the company and outside of it, to accelerate progress on the journey to net-zero.

We strive to create a culture and framework where individuals and teams can take ownership of innovation and bring new concepts to market with the goal of better serving our customers and becoming the world’s premiere energy.

Our offerings

Meeting the growing global energy demand while transitioning to a more sustainable world requires a complex journey. But you are not without a partner. At Siemens Energy we work closely with our customers to drive the energy transition, step by step, with our rich history of innovative technology, extensive energy experience and ambitious strategy to drive the decarbonization of global energy systems.