Siemens Energy biomass solutions

Upcycle your biomass

Biomass waste is a valuable fuel which can be efficiently utilized.

An age-old fuel put to new use

Providing a future-proof source of electricity and contributing to lower CO₂ emissions, power produced from biomass is increasingly economically viable. The interests of operators and investors, on the one hand, and those of utilities and grids, on the other, are becoming more closely aligned. This is because ensuring a stable power supply as well as the financial success of the power plant are common goals.

Centered on biomass – an integral part of the industry

Biomass is green power

With more widespread environmental awareness and the resultant striving for “green” lifestyles, biomass energy for both industry and electricity providers is a reliable – and sustainable – source of baseload power.

It also helps in meeting environmental targets, absorbing more CO₂ than it emits, and efficient equipment used in power generation leads to fewer emissions at the plant site.

Biomass is a relatively cheap base load and, depending on the local regulations, surplus electricity produced from it can be fed back to the grid, making it even more economically viable.

Closed-cycle economies

Installing a biomass power plant to burn the on-site waste that occurs as a by-product of industrial processes closes the factory input cycle.

It also eliminates the need for waste disposal, lowers energy costs and maintains a high availability of the power supply.

Incinerating renewables is thus a further step toward sustainability and toward a closed-cycle economy. These by-products need no additional processing, further strengthening the financial feasibility of the biomass plant.

Favored by investors

The possibility of running a biomass plant on diverse feedstocks adds to the viability of such projects while ensuring the availability of the fuel supply.

Apart from achieving maximum output with a minimum of life-cycle costs, another decisive economic factor is the need for appropriate frameworks already in the country concerned, regulating such variables as electricity prices, the level of tipping tax, and funding.

We support your interests

Flexible, reliable operation

With their leading efficiency profile and minimal outages, our turbines maximize the amount of electricity generated while further reducing a plant’s lifetime emissions footprint.

Lowest lifecycle costs, reliable equipment

All our turbines offer a long life cycle thanks to reliable equipment that is backed by our global service.

Strong reputation and references

Thanks to our long list of references we can help gain acceptance for biomass energy among the authorities and the local population.

Professional project development

We can support you from the very beginning with our technical consulting and expertise, dealing with all the parties involved and avoiding any complications.

More information on biomass: Technical white papers

White paper: Capturing the potential of Vietnam biomass energy growth

Capturing the potential of Vietnam biomass energy growth with tailor made high-efficiency steam turbines

Download white paper

Bioenergy - converting by-product biomass waste into value

Industries producing a large amount of process (biomass) waste can convert it into carbon-neutral energy to power their facilities or sell into the grid for additional revenue.

Download white paper

Higly efficient biomass plants thanks to reheat solutions

Reheat solutions significantly increase the overall efficiency of a biomass plant and are therefore an optimal solution to produce more energy without having to use more fuel.

Download white paper

Co-generation with high-tech steam turbines and generators in sugar production

Co-generation with high-tech steam turbines and generators in sugar production.


Download the white paper

A holistic approach

Partnering with an experienced equipment manufacturer is an important step toward commissioning a new biomass plant.

Siemens Energy scope of supply:

Siemens Energy components for biomass

Our focus on both fuel costs and revenue

See our solutions for biomass in action

Subscribe to our newsletter

Biomass can be considered as a waste or an energy source. We think it has a lot of potential. Using this renewable energy source can result in efficient power and heat. In our quarterly newsletter "Upcycle your biomass" we share our experiences.

Contact us for more information about our biomass solutions

Siemens Energy Customer Support

+49 911 6505 6505
(Charges depending on provider)

+49 180 524 25 71
(Charges depending on provider; from the German fixed network € 0.14/min. and from the German mobile phone networks max. € 0.42/min.)