IOTeqa by APKAPPA is a software platform that allows to acquire and manage large amounts of data and information generated by different and heterogeneous sources, typically meters (water, gas and energy), devices (controllers and concentrators) for remote management of public lighting systems, IoT sensors of various types.
The Internet of Things populates the territory with devices of various types and with the most disparate performances, from the measurement of consumption (e.g. water meters) to environment variables (e.g. humidity, temperature, flow pressure...), to the operation of streetlamps and electrical panels and other application systems.  All this information is generated in large quantities several times a day and in different formats (structured, semi-structured and unstructured); IOTeqa is able to acquire and store them in their native format and then make them usable in the event processing and analysis activities (Stream Analytics, Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence) and in its verticalisations dedicated to integrated water services and public lighting systems.


Its architecture is cloud-native, based on containers and microservices. This gives it the highest levels of scalability, accessibility, service continuity and performance resulting from the most modern logic of composing the application solution with many small services, each independent and all interoperable through the use of API interfaces, in order to take greater advantage of computational resources.


The layout available to users of the platform is web-based and responsive, which brings the great advantage of being able to use IOTeqa with any device connected to the internet, including mobile devices (i.e. smartphones and tablets).


IOTeqa is organised into modules in order to simplify the deployment phase and optimise costs in relation to the services that the customer intends to manage.
In fact, it can be organised so that it can provide analysis of the big data collected by the IoT sensors with streaming analytics, business & artificial intelligence functions and/or make verticalisations available to manage one or more services in full, such as remote control and monitoring of water networks or public lighting systems.


It makes available webservices, widely documented and easy to use to create automated integrations with other software environments that need to access the data managed by IOTeqa such as SCADA systems, CRM-Billing and similar.


the verticalization to remotely control and monitor consumption and performance of the water network

This verticalization of IOTeqa allows to configure and initiate data communication with SMAQ devices (radiologger, smart meters and/or Io sensors) distributed on the water network and on the meters.
As well as offering the classic SAC service (i.e. Central Acquisition Software) for remote reading of water consumption with configurable frequencies and purposes similar to Arera's requirements in terms of billing and monitoring, with specific additional functions it also makes it possible to query the devices directly, for example to carry out a consumption monitoring campaign or to investigate the performance of a particular section of the water network.

Among the information monitored are some that give the opportunity to identify anomalies (e.g. excessive and uninterrupted consumption at a given point, reverse flow, tampering with the radiologger, ...) and give the relative alarm.
Numerous analysis and reporting functions are also available, and the results are presented both in tabular and alphanumeric format and on vector maps, thanks to the fact that the devices are all georeferenced and provide IOTeqa with this information.




verticalisation to remotely manage consumption and performance of Public Lighting systems

The IOTeqa verticalisation dedicated to public lighting systems allows operators, administrators and citizens to interact with them and the associated smart city services in a manner and at levels appropriate to their role.

It offers functions for setting up the operation of streetlights, switchboards and groups of them so that they can apply on/off plans according to ordinary and extraordinary schedules; based on the data received, it also allows critical situations to be highlighted (e.g. streetlight with operating problems, abnormal consumption, unavailability...).

Many of the calculations are then used to support the organisation of various management activities related to the street lighting system: from performance monitoring to functional monitoring to accurate and precise remote management of the street lighting system.