LUMINIBUS manages lighting points of all types and all wattages.
Diagnostics, consumption, operating hours and diverse, customised and automatically updated lighting scenarios have never been easier to implement.
Every version of the LUMINIBUS point-to-point controller is compatible with adaptive lighting functionality in accordance with standards.
LUMINIBUS controllers allow data communication over the NB-IoT network, which is public, standard and accessible throughout the country, or, if required, over PLC with standard Meters&More protocol. Thus, the manger does not have to incur investment and operating and maintenance costs for communication networks.
If the manger chooses to adopt LUMINIBUS NB-IoT controllers, he benefits from a further simplification given the possibility of having them already included, from the factory, with an active SIM card and without further costs for connectivity: in this way they do not have to subscribe to any connectivity with network mangers.
Conveyor wave technology also requires no investment in terms of the network as communication takes place directly over the power lines already present in the system.



LUMINIBUS controllers share functional and performance characteristics that are fundamental to the success of remote control systems for public street lighting installations.
These include the high quality and reliability of the various components, enabling APKAPPA to declare an expected life span of more than 10 years.

Every lighting point has its own remote control node!

LUMINIBUS provides lighting controllers that differ in terms of connection technology, data communication and functional range in order to meet the most varied requirements, even within the same installation.  The different LUMINIBUS controllers can always cooperate even in the same installation, overcoming difficulties related to the lack of homogeneity of lighting technologies and luminaire power and accessibility to drivers and data communication networks.

Each version of LUMINIBUS controller allows in any case to perform diagnostics, measure consumption, monitor operating hours and manage diversified, customised and automatically updated lighting scenarios.   In addition, LUMINIBUS controllers are compatible with adaptive lighting functionality according to the standard.

POWERLINE controller

Identified by the name PLN5-x, the STANDARD controller is suitable for smartenizing LED or SAP luminaires up to 150W by installing it inside the streetlamp, inside the pole or at the base of the pole. For this reason it is available in the version with terminal connectors or cables with plenty of space and an appropriate IP level.
It performs dimming by interfacing with the streetlamp driver via the 0-10 Dali port and performs dimming by applying the luminous profile and relying on the astronomical clock with which it is equipped.

It communicates with the streetlamp's control panel via a PLC with standard Meters&More protocol.
It is also available in a NEMA Socket version.

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NEMA controller

The NEMA controller is suitable for situations where it is necessary to smartenize LED or SAP streetlamps up to 150W equipped with a NEMA socket connector with external access; the NEMA controller is installed outside the streetlamp.

It performs dimming by interfacing to the streetlamp driver via the 0-10 Dali port and performs dimming by applying the luminous profile and relying on the astronomical clock with which it is equipped.

It is able to communicate data with the control panel via PLC with standard Meters&More protocol.

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ZHAGA RF controller

The ZHAGA controller is used in streetlamps equipped with a standard book 18 ZHAGA connector with external access; the ZHAGA controller is installed outside the streetlamps.
It performs dimming by interfacing with the streetlamp driver via the Dali 2.0 port, dimming by applying the luminous profile and relying on its astronomical clock.
It is able to communicate directly with the control centre via NB-IoT; a LoRaWAN version is also available.

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The manger can choose the mode of interaction with the individual lampposts between:


In this situation the individual streetlamps are equipped with the LUMINIBUS controller, which enables them to operate according to a predefined luminous profile.

But what are the advantages of STANDALONE mode?

Preset luminous profiles
In this mode, the lighting of the lamp is regulated according to one or more preset luminous profiles that can be customised in advance with the manger; the cycle takes into account the local ephemeris and is managed by an internal astronomical clock powered by a battery with a life of more than 10 years.

No additional devices or infrastructure, only the controller is needed
Total luminaire independence applies: no additional pilot line, power management line or wireless network is required.
No additional infrastructure is required.

Fast installation and immediate activation
Installation can be carried out quickly, requiring no special expertise, no measuring activities or the subsequent installation of other correction devices.
A team of two can install up to 40 controllers per day on average.


In this condition, an IP connection is activated with the lighting points and the result is the remote control of the operation and maintenance processes of the installation based on the data exchanged with them.

The solution is enriched with the LUMINIBUS concentrators and the IOTeqa software platform to enable a further range of services that brings as a further advantage considerable savings, both in terms of consumption and costs and environmental and light pollution.

Which are the advantages of THE REMOTE CONTROL mode?

Possibility of knowing, planning and intervening at any time
All these services together allow the manger to REMOTELY CONTROL the system, i.e. at any time, for any area and/or single lighting point, to know the operating status, the service values and to intervene with changes on the luminous profiles (e.g. in conjunction with a particular event), to plan preventive maintenance actions, to evaluate consumption and the activity carried out up to that moment.

Cloud-based remote management
The IOTeqa platform can be accessed in the cloud from a datacenter qualified by the Digital Italy Agency.



lighting where you need it and when you need it
LUMINIBUS also includes traffic, luminance and weather sensors to enable lighting to be adapted according to the two possibilities allowed by the standard:
- "TAI" (Traffic Adaptive Installation) mode, in which street lighting is adapted to the traffic variable only
- "FAI" (Full Adaptive Installation) mode, which adds weather and ambient light detection to the "TAI" mode.


the tool that field technicians can use with their own devices

LUMINIBUS also offers an APP for smartphones/tablets that allows field technicians to perform start-up and configuration tasks after the first installation of the controllers or concentrator.

With simple wizards, technicians can also perform testing, pole identification, diagnostics and maintenance tasks.