The needs of Integrated Water Service managers lead to the identification of multiple strategies to achieve the goal of remote meter reading and network monitoring.
For many in fact, especially in the domestic use of the service, the replacement of the meter is almost preferable to the combination of the radiologger first of all because they are often obsolete meters that must be changed anyway.
In other cases, however, an add-on solution is preferable, especially when the project concerns the monitoring of certain points in the water network through process meters or sensors that detect pressure, volumes and overflow.
In this area, SMAQ is perfectly suited to the various requirements with devices suited to the project purpose.   They differ in their use and certain features, but all offer these benefits which, for the IBS operator, are obvious advantages.



Whether add-on or integrated into the meter, radiologgers share functional and performance characteristics that are fundamental to the success of smart metering systems.
In the add-on version
  • they can be combined with any meter, provided it is prepared for remote metering.
  • are independent of meter brand and capacity
  • can also be installed on meters already on site, without interrupting the service to the user
  • they detect consumption (reading index, maximum and minimum flow rate) by means of a pulse counter accessory supplied with it.
They intercept and communicate events relating to fraud, reverse flow, leakage, overflow, no consumption, battery below 10%, cable cut.
They record the data collected and transmit it to the SMAQ SAC management centre at predefined times.
They are self-powered and do not require any electrical connections.
They work even in harsh environments (e.g. flooding) thanks to their robustness and degree of protection (IP68).
They communicate via the NB-IoT public wireless network, even when installed in hostile environments (e.g. underground manholes with reinforcement and cast iron manholes).
Connectivity can be included in their supply, avoiding the need for the manager to enter into agreements with NB-IoT suppliers.
They are guaranteed to operate for at least 10 years from their first installation.

Every meter has its own radiologger!

As a family of devices, SMAQ can be used to smartenize domestic meters, large utility meters and/or process meters of any diameter.
The manager may decide to start a project to smartenize existing meters already on site or may decide to replace the obsolete meter with one incorporating SMAQ technology.

RADIOLOGGER add-on for domestic meters

The RNB5 model is ideal for smartenizing existing domestic meters that do not need to be replaced (e.g. field meters).
It allows consumption data to be obtained and monitors for tampering or abnormal conditions (e.g. reverse flow).
It is programmed to communicate reading flows up to twice a week; the data is transmitted, via NB-IoT connection, to the IOTeqa software platform where it is processed and analysed for statistics, alarms, etc., as well as being made available to other software applications via webservice.
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RADIOLOGGER add-on for industrial or process meters

RNB3 and RNB4 models are combined with Large Users meters (>DN30), typically condominium, industrial or large consumer meters, or process meters.

They can be programmed to send reading streams at least once a day.
The models differ in the communication protocol used, which is always standard and open; the RNB3 uses the MQTT communication protocol while the RNB4 uses CTR.

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add-on for IoT sensors

The RNB10 model has similar features to the RNB3, RNB4 and RNB5 models except that it is combined with sensors and not with meters.
The sensors are SMAQ-compliant and are supplied together with the radiologger; they are selected by APKAPPA for their robustness, performance and reliability and have the task of detecting some quantities (pressure, volume and overflow) at strategic points of the water network which are then sent by the radiologger to the IoTeqa software platform.
It can be programmed to send data streams several times a day or on demand for periods of "survey campaign" or at fixed intervals at least once a day.

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Thanks to the partnership with one of the world's largest meter manufacturers and market leaders, SMAQ also offers a meter for domestic use (DN 15 to DN 40) with an integrated NB-IoT radiologger.

The radiologger component offers the same features and performance as the RBN5 add-on model.

The meter component is a volumetric rotary piston type, available for various DN sizes (15 to 40), which can be installed in all positions while maintaining the metrological characteristics.
It is equipped with a watertight clockwork (copper-glass IP 68), rotatable through 360°, which completely eliminates the risk of condensation and ensures excellent readability.
It is MID Rmax800 certified, suitable for outdoor installations and guarantees high protection from external magnetic fields.

It is ideal if you need to replace your meter and, at the same time, smartenize it with remote reading and remote control.



the tool that on site technicians can use with their own devices

SMAQ also offers an APP for smartphones/tablets that allows field technicians to perform start-up and configuration activities after the first installation of the radiologger or integrated meter.
With simple wizards, technicians can also perform reading, alignment, diagnostics, maintenance and manage meter replacement.