About us

APKAPPA arises from the merger of two centers of excellence in the Italian ICT market, a.p.systems and Studio K of the Maggioli Group


Our mission has always been to design and release systems aimed at

  • digitizing the Public Sector by optimizing its procedures through the most modern and accredited electronic governance tools
  • making the use of energy and the management of public lighting systems more efficient;
  • applying smart technologies to public services
  • optimizing machine-to-machine data communication in electricity, water and gas distribution networks

and it took shape in its hyperSIC, Luminibus and APYLink systems, widely appreciated and used in Italy and abroad by numerous Local Authorities, Utilities and Global Service companies.

Our value proposition is the deep experience and knowledge of the individual markets and technologies that allows APKAPPA to transform its role as a supplier into an expert partner able to help the Customer in facing the digitization and efficiency processes serenely and assertively.

Public Sector         Streetlighting Managers       Utility Public Companies

Our certifications

Information security management system according to ISO 27001:2013, 27017:2015 and 27018:2014

APKAPPA continuously demonstrates its ability to guarantee the security of its data, in a context where the IT risks caused by security breaches are constantly increasing.

In fact, RINA has verified and certified that the management security system of APKAPPA information complies with the ISO / IEC 27001regulations, namely the Standard that aims to protect data and information from any kind of threats, in order to ensure its integrity, confidentiality and availability.

Moreover, it provides the requirements for adopting an adequate Information Security Management System (ISMS) aimed at the correct management of sensitive company data and at the digital archiving service of documents.


Environmental management system according to ISO 14001:2015

APKAPPA obtained the certification of conformity of its environmental management system with the ISO 14001 Standard, with its brand a.p.systems.  APKAPPA makes clear its commitment to the protection of the enviroment by respecting the regulations of its busines and committing itself to the continous improvement of environmental performance in line with its integrated policy.

Quality system according to ISO 9001:2015

In addition to various awards obtained during the years of activity, in 1998 the APKAPPA brand quality system a.p.systems was certified for the first time in compliance with the ISO 9001 standard; over time this certification has been updated according to the new and more recent editions of the Standard.



Health and Safety at Work ISO 45001:2018

APKAPPA also uses an effective health and safety management system in the workplace compliant with the ISO45001 standard; it which allows to assess, prevent and reduce risks related to health and safety of work, improve the quality of life of human resources, reconciling development, productivity and staff motivation, creating added value for one’s own asset valuation.

Energy Efficiency ISO 50001:2011

APKAPPA has adopted an energy management system that complies with this standard; through a system approach it allows to implement the continuous improvement of its energy performance, including energy efficiency, consumption and use of energy.


The certificates issued by RINA – CISQ member federation and ACCREDIA- no. 23793/98/S, no. 58/08,  EMS 4921/S, no. QA/630/18 and no. QA/627/18 are recognized through the IQNET network in more than 30 countries worldwide.

Further accreditations

Digital archiving keeper accredited by AgID

Pursuant to art. 44-bis D.Lgs.82/2005.
In 2015, APKAPPA obtained from the Agency for Digital Italy (i.e. AgID) the attestation of carrying out the digital archiving service of electronic documents of the Public Sector, in compliance with the regulations in force and according to the highest levels of quality and safety. Following this recognition APKAPPA was registered in the online list of active archiver, also this held by AgID.

Technological Partner of the National Electronic Payment Systems

APKAPPA carries out the task of technological partner of the National electronic payment system (named pagoPA) for many Italian Public Bodies. Through its service center, qualified by AgID (Agency for Digital Italy) it allows the PublicBodies to connect their services with the electronic pagoPA payment system and thus allow citizens to pay what due to the Public Sector by choosing the mode and circuit they prefer.

SIOPE+ intermediary

APKAPPA is the go-between for the SIOPE + system of numerous Italian Municipalities; through its services center, qualified by AgID (Agency for Digital Italy), it allows customers of the accounting application modules hyperSIC and SICI to benefit from the automated dialogue with the national system of the accounting operations of the Public Sector, held by Banca d'Italia and known as SIOPE +.

Cloud Service Provider and Qualified SaaS provider

APKAPPA is a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) in the so called "marketplace of the Public Sector" and offers SaaS services qualified by AgID (Agency for the Digital Italy) pursuant to the its circulars 9th April 2018 nos. 2 and 3. In particular, APKAPPA provides the SaaS hyperSIC Cloud service that allows Public Bodies to manage all administrative procedures and interact with citizens and companies in a totally digital mode and with any device capable of accessing the Internet, including smartphones and tablets .

The two centers of excellence that gave birth to APKAPPA

A.P. Systems

For over 30 years, A.P.Systems has been designing and releasing ICT systems for the Italian Public Sector and Public Utilities, both nationally and internationally.

Over 50% of the Italian population benefits from a.p.systems technology through Municipalities, Utilities, Global Services and other local service organizations.

Studio K

Studio K, for over 30 years present on the Italian market, today represents a consolidated reality in the supply of software and services for the Italian Public Sector.

In particular, on the services and relationship with the Customer, Studio K boasts extremely high levels of satisfaction, which are the basis of the wide loyalty of its customers; Studio K offers attention, timely responses, maximum availability and expertise at about 1,200 Italian Municipalities every day.



With this great global manufacturer of electronic components APKAPPA has established a technical collaboration on their SPEAr© product to be able to integrate it in the data communication concentrators of the latest generation of APYLInk®. For this, STM granted APKAPPA's R & D team to become part of the development center on its SPEAr© wireless CPU project.

Sierra Wireless

Since 2003 APKAPPA has benefited from the technical support of the French giant Wavecom, world leader in the production of wireless technology for automotive, machine-to-machine (M2M) and professional mobile applications. Since then APKAPPA has integrated the wireless communication chipset and then also the wireless CPU of Wavecom for the realization of the APYLink line products. The professional synergy that has taken shape between the two companies has produced extraordinary application results and such as to be published by the specialized press at international level. In 2009 Wavecom was acquired by the American manufacturer of wireless modem Sierra Wireless, but the technical partnership with APKAPPA continued thanks to the high technological value of its products. Today APKAPPA actively cooperates with the R & D staff of Sierra Wireless Inc.

Microsoft MCP and ISV

APKAPPA is in Microsoft’s Partner Network both as a Microsoft Certified Partner and as an Independent Software Vendor. In APKAPPA’s technical staff there are specialists certified by Microsoft to use its technology for the development of software systems that it releases on the market.